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ESPN (A bunch of Death-Spiraling maroons)

NFBuck;2164389; said:
So, browsing through the tv guide, I see e!spn classic is replaying "The Announcement". Need any further proof that the entire network is just one giant troll?

"The Announcement" was the documentary (maybe for 30 for 30?) about Magic Johnson and HIV. :lol:
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DiamondBuck;2164719; said:
Sheesh... Confusing "The Announcement" with "The Decision".

Just wait for the trilogy to end with "The Shark" (hopefully when they travel to OKC).

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I was watching SportsCenter tonight after work to see today's sports highlights and because nothing else was on. During the top 10 one of the co-hosts praised the other for announcing some European soccer players names correctly. The names were Shevchenko and Ibrahimovic. If you can't look at read those names and not correctly pronounce them without someone telling you how to, you don't need to be co-hosting a TV show.
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I was watching SportsCenter tonight after work to see today's sports highlights and because nothing else was on. During the top 10 one of the co-hosts praised the other for announcing some European soccer players names correctly. The names were Shevchenko and Ibrahimovic. If you can't look at read those names and not correctly pronounce them without someone telling you how to, you don't need to be co-hosting a TV show.
not an excuse
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"That's the purpose of it really, public relations," said David Ridpath, an assistant professor in sports administration at Ohio University and past president of the NCAA-watchdog, The Drake Group. "They may be doing everything right, but I doubt it."

First quote in the above article.

Dr. Ridpath may not be a serial rapist, but I doubt it.
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