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ESPN (A bunch of Death-Spiraling maroons)

Good for Andy Geiger to call out ESPN (in a sense).


As a TV rights holder, ESPN is a business partner to a wide array of conferences and schools (its total college outlay will average more than $700 million annually by next year).

And as a leading broadcast, print and online news outlet, ESPN also reports the news it's often a party to making.

"We've created ? I was going to say a blurry line, but I don't think there is any line anymore as to who's in charge," says Andy Geiger, a former athletics director at Ohio State University.

"We're doing business with an entertainment company whose only way of surviving involves the number of eyeballs watching the screen," he says. "That is the driving force in what I see as all the decisions being made."
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You don't see those kinds of lawsuits very often. And for good reason. They're hard to win and the discovery process might ultimately prove the alleged defamatory statements to be true.

The fact that this case was filed leads me to believe the masturbation story is BS. But I really want to follow this case just to see how Erin Andrews responds.

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OH10;2025910; said:
You don't see those kinds of lawsuits very often. And for good reason. They're hard to win and the discovery process might ultimately prove the alleged defamatory statements to be true.

The fact that this case was filed leads me to believe the masturbation story is BS. But I really want to follow this case just to see how Erin Andrews responds.


By getting naked?

(please be right, please be right, please be right)
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On the Sports Reporters, Boston Globe talking head Bob Ryan compared Jim Tressel to Joe Paterno, saying at least JoPa reported to his AD.


In response to an email, Ryan responsed "probably a poor choice. Just wanted to dig at that phony Tressel."

No, there's no vendetta at the four-letter word. Just waiting for Jim Tressel to be compared to Hitler next.
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