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ESPN (A bunch of Death-Spiraling maroons)

Nicknam4;2021831; said:
Here's a more clear image.

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with no alternative, forced to check out the worldwide leader this weekend. the braxton to smith game winner didnt make the top 10 for the highlights. what was #1? glad you asked...it was a real game changer of a catch by a colorado receiver. the catch was a crucial play in 1 of 2 colorado scoring drives in a 34 point pac-toomany beating. unfortunately i missed the bucks game. kings island haunted night with my girlfriend and another couple refreshing my phone during a buckeyes game is miserable. in a rush to get back to the room to see how things played out, osu/wisc highlights didnt start til halfway through college football final. though it was well worth the wait because they showed all wisconsin touchdowns. luckily for me they showed parts of the last kick return and miller's heave to the endzone just before he released the ball on the run. thanks espn.
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killespn;2025035; said:
with no alternative, forced to check out the worldwide leader this weekend. the braxton to smith game winner didnt make the top 10 for the highlights. what was #1? glad you asked...it was a real game changer of a catch by a colorado receiver. the catch was a crucial play in 1 of 2 colorado scoring drives in a 34 point pac-toomany beating. unfortunately i missed the bucks game. kings island haunted night with my girlfriend and another couple refreshing my phone during a buckeyes game is miserable. in a rush to get back to the room to see how things played out, osu/wisc highlights didnt start til halfway through college football final. though it was well worth the wait because they showed all wisconsin touchdowns. luckily for me they showed parts of the last kick return and miller's heave to the endzone just before he released the ball on the run. thanks espn.

I did see a list of top 10 college football plays for the month of October a couple of days ago, and the Miller-to-Smith play was #2. The only play above it was the other heartbreaker for Wiscy a week earlier.
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I just get annoyed that Ohio State-Wisconsin got about 30-45 seconds of highlights in the Sportscenter that I watched, but USC and Stanford got 5-6 minutes - or more. Yeah, USC-Stanford was an exciting game, and was the Gameday location, and had ESPN's next golden boy winning the game, etc. But It still doesn't account for approximately 10 times as much air time devoted to USC-Stanford as they had for Ohio State-Wisconsin.
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I just get annoyed that Ohio State-Wisconsin got about 30-45 seconds of highlights in the Sportscenter that I watched, but USC and Stanford got 5-6 minutes - or more. Yeah, USC-Stanford was an exciting game, and was the Gameday location, and had ESPN's next golden boy winning the game, etc. But It still doesn't account for approximately 10 times as much air time devoted to USC-Stanford as they had for Ohio State-Wisconsin.
I don't know man, that might be a bit nitpicky. Stanford is contending for the title. Andrew Luck is a Heisman candidate. Matt Barkley is the other 1st round QB. USC-Stanford were both ranked. The game went into 2-OT. That's a lot to talk about.

Wisconsin isn't contending for the title. Ohio State isn't ranked. Russell Wilson was a maybe Heisman candidate. It was a great game, but its not a game to focus a lot on from a sporting news perspective. That happened the week prior when Wiscky lost to MSU.
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Diego-Bucks;2025155; said:
I don't know man, that might be a bit nitpicky. Stanford is contending for the title. Andrew Luck is a Heisman candidate. Matt Barkley is the other 1st round QB. USC-Stanford were both ranked. The game went into 2-OT. That's a lot to talk about.

Wisconsin isn't contending for the title. Ohio State isn't ranked. Russell Wilson was a maybe Heisman candidate. It was a great game, but its not a game to focus a lot on from a sporting news perspective. That happened the week prior when Wiscky lost to MSU.

It was still a hell of a game and they chose to show highlights of the fourth quarter only and then it was about 3 plays total. They gave a buildup before they went to commercial and then gave token coverage. It was shitty coverage.
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Bill Lucas;2025201; said:
It was still a hell of a game and they chose to show highlights of the fourth quarter only and then it was about 3 plays total. They gave a buildup before they went to commercial and then gave token coverage. It was [strike]shitty[/strike] ESPN coverage.
no reason to sugar coat it with shitty. :)
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Wells4Heisman;2025190; said:
I'm annoyed that they even made a story of the endzone ticket from the LSU Alabama game going for $10,000 on stubhub... Anyone could go on there and place a shitty ticket for that much money.

You just shut your mouth...that guy obviously EARNED the right to wear whatever the hell he ...wait what?
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I was pretty surprised at how little coverage the game got.

Sure, the USC-Stanford game had just as much excitement/MNC implications, but still, the tOSU/Wussky game will probably be top 5 most memorable games this season, and it had it all.

If we really wanted to nit-pick, you could point out that a game that goes into 3 OT isn't necessarily more exciting than a game that finishes in regulation.

USC/Stanford was back and forth, but ultimately was won on a fumble. tOSU/Wussky was decided on a 40 yard heave with 20 second to go. IMO that was a much more exciting finish.

Regardless, I was simply surprised at how little coverage it received.
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top 4 team in triple OT is always going to get more time, not to mention Gameday was there all day for it, and it featured one QB people are calling the greatest NFL prospect since Elway, and probably the second best QB in the draft next year if he enters........Not surprising
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