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ESPN (A bunch of Death-Spiraling maroons)

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OH10;2028924; said:
On the Sports Reporters, Boston Globe talking head Bob Ryan compared Jim Tressel to Joe Paterno, saying at least JoPa reported to his AD.


In response to an email, Ryan responsed "probably a poor choice. Just wanted to dig at that phony Tressel."

No, there's no vendetta at the four-letter word. Just waiting for Jim Tressel to be compared to Hitler next.

note to self: If I witness a rape go to an athletic director they will handle it...thanks Bob Ryan
Upvote 0
OH10;2028924; said:
On the Sports Reporters, Boston Globe talking head Bob Ryan compared Jim Tressel to Joe Paterno, saying at least JoPa reported to his AD.


In response to an email, Ryan responsed "probably a poor choice. Just wanted to dig at that phony Tressel."

No, there's no vendetta at the four-letter word. Just waiting for Jim Tressel to be compared to Hitler next.

Fuck you Bob Ryan. This isn't a sports story. You compare someone breaking the rules of a stupid game to a grown man raping a 10 year old child? Die in a fire you fucking ignorant schmuck...
Upvote 0
OH10;2028924; said:
On the Sports Reporters, Boston Globe talking head Bob Ryan compared Jim Tressel to Joe Paterno, saying at least JoPa reported to his AD.


In response to an email, Ryan responsed "probably a poor choice. Just wanted to dig at that phony Tressel."

No, there's no vendetta at the four-letter word. Just waiting for Jim Tressel to be compared to Hitler next.

What would you expect from that fat Fuck....
Upvote 0
Saw31;2029049; said:
[censored] you Bob Ryan. This isn't a sports story. You compare someone breaking the rules of a stupid game to a grown man raping a 10 year old child? Die in a fire you [censored]ing pedo-bear loving, piece of shit, ignorant schmuck...

You sir are a man of great words. I couldn't have said it any better. So I will just quote you and add just a little bit to drive it home.
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Comments from Adam Ritter's recent How does PSU scandal affect recruiting? blog post...

I'm canceling my insiders subscription.

ESPN < Tebow

Hockey Puckster
The emperor has no clothes. No pun intended.

ESPN has lost all credibility and now is officially gone from my bookmarks. Good riddance!

This article is a perfect summation of the soullessness that has become both ESPN and college sports generally. Disgraceful.

ESPN should have learned a lesson about empathy and good taste after publishing the column on the Alabama depth chart when Aaron Douglas died earlier this year. Apparently not. Leave your Bristol bubble and rejoin the human race.

How is recruiting affected by kids getting raped? This question tells you everything you need to know about ESPN

This is utterly $@%!$@%! and an insult. Shut the entire program down for a year, immediately. Paterno should be canned immediately. Pathetic article, who the hell gives two $@%!$ about this team. now.
and my name is the Detroit Lions D btw. Everyone involved should see a prison cell.

don't you have to be relevant for it to affect recruiting? I didn't know high school kids were still even considering going to PSU to play football.

seriously, espn? U are worried about recruiting? C'mon

I cant figure out how someone could come up with this idea, think its a good idea, and get it approved to be published. Shame on all of you

How can anyone be so myopic? Who cares about recruiting at a time like this? Ugh.

"Yeah yeah yeah, so a coupla kids were raped in the PSU locker room...blah blah blah....the real question is..., ummm, what's up with recruiting"?

Shameless ba$turds!

Too soon.
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