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ESPN (A bunch of Death-Spiraling maroons)

BlufftonBuckeye;2018902; said:
*cough* Travis Howard *cough*

There have been a few times I had to shake my head as he is celebrating a poor throw/drop/bad route, when he had nothing to do with the play.

And, like you guys mentioned, special teams...jesus. I love when a guy fields a punt, gets lit up, and everyone celebrates like he made a spectacular play. Um, the guy is as defenseless as it gets, staring at the ball, and you blew him up. Not exactly a difficult play.

Chase Delande blew up Frank Epitropolis in the Davidson/UA game friday on just such a play. It sure fired up the sideline and the crowd. It was a devastating hit. But to Epitropolis' credit, he held on to the ball.
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I'll be honest, I like the way Marvin Harrison played the game way, way more than DeSean Jackson does.

It's completely subjective, I just think the constant showboating/antics make you look like an asshole. I remember when Harrison would bust a huge play, flip the ball to the ref and get lined up. No chest pounding, pointing, dancing...

Again, personal preference.
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BlufftonBuckeye;2018910; said:
I'll be honest, I like the way Marvin Harrison played the game way, way more than DeSean Jackson does.

It's completely subjective, I just think the constant showboating/antics make you look like an asshole. I remember when Harrison would bust a huge play, flip the ball to the ref and get lined up. No chest pounding, pointing, dancing...

Again, personal preference.

Ehhh if it means the guy isn't going to kill someone at his carwash I will take the guy who celebrates
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MaliBuckeye;2019774; said:
ESPN's Outside The Lines has "exclusive audio" of Tressel's interview with the NCAA investigation committee.

You know, the stuff we've had the transcript for for several months now.


Today on ESECPN, we'll get that drooling retard Pat Forde to give us a forensic ANALysis of the tape and compare it to the story for $cam Newton and explain to us why selling a kid for $200K is much much less heinous than whatever it is they'll say Tressel did.

Oh wait, Forde is leaving ESECPN? Imagine that - I didn't think that idiot had two brain cells to rub together.
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Taosman;2020122; said:
Surely there must be a law against playing his recorded testimony?
Or even making it available to the media?

I believe that ESPN said they received the audio from tOSU, based on another FOIA request. I caught part of their 'Ask the Experts' show, which managed to play part of that tape, and then have a bunch of their talking heads being amazed that tOSU apparently wasn't getting hit with 'Failure to Monitor' or 'Lack of Institutional Control'.

Nobody mentioned that tOSU was the one that found the emails and reported JT's 10.1 violation to the NCAA.

And they actually managed to have a graphic on the screen that misspelled Tressel's name while they were playing some of the audio.

Nothing new here, just old news that they decided to run through the 'spin' cycle again.
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buckeyebri;2020861; said:
:topic: but would Marilyn be Marilyn without Ozzie's influence....:biggrin:


Just a Gosh darn minute there young fellow!
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