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ESPN (A bunch of Death-Spiraling maroons)

buchtelgrad04;2011916; said:
[Buchtelgrad04] Something clever about Pinocchio & Pat Forde's enormous noses going up ESPN's ass [/Buchtelgrad04]

[AKAK]Something clever about how both Picocchio and Pat Forde didn't use sandpaper first[/AKAK]
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Gatorubet;2010420; said:
Well, let's calculate all of the damages from loss of value using the value for the current Big East teams' BCS National Championships and multiply by one thousand.

Let's see.......that one thousand times.....goes into....carry the three.....

Looks like nothing. :biggrin:

From this post, I can clearly see Einstein had nothing on you.
You are a fucking genius :biggrin:
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The Spin Center was on at the Y over lunch while I was working out...They launched a huge statement on the steps they had taken to win the FIFA World Cup that Fox just won for 2018 and how they were still committed to bringing Soccer to all the fans.....

It was the most self serving diatribe I have ever seen....
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buckeyebri;2017326; said:
The Spin Center was on at the Y over lunch while I was working out...They launched a huge statement on the steps they had taken to win the FIFA World Cup that Fox just won for 2018 and how they were still committed to bringing Soccer to all the fans.....

It was the most self serving diatribe I have ever seen....

You know... If ESPN wants to televise soccer so bad... Maybe they'd be better off getting an exclusive TV deal with Liga BBVA (which is only on ESPN3 for me right now) and the MLS. Then maybe, JUST MAYBE, I'd think you deserved the coverage of the FIFA World Cup. Showing one EPL game every few weeks, and one MLS game a week isn't cutting it. And those sad excuses they call highlights that they try to show to satisfy the soccer fans aren't really all that great.
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buckeyebri;2017326; said:
The Spin Center was on at the Y over lunch while I was working out...They launched a huge statement on the steps they had taken to win the FIFA World Cup that Fox just won for 2018 and how they were still committed to bringing Soccer to all the fans.....

It was the most self serving diatribe I have ever seen....

After losing the BCS to ESPN, FOX snags the World Cup.

It's a goddamn rivalry.
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TooTallMenardo;2017337; said:
You know... If ESPN wants to televise soccer so bad... Maybe they'd be better off getting an exclusive TV deal with Liga BBVA (which is only on ESPN3 for me right now) and the MLS. Then maybe, JUST MAYBE, I'd think you deserved the coverage of the FIFA World Cup. Showing one EPL game every few weeks, and one MLS game a week isn't cutting it. And those sad excuses they call highlights that they try to show to satisfy the soccer fans aren't really all that great.

Is La Liga really that interesting beyond Real Madrid and Barca?

If ESPN really wants to get serious they'll start a network for it - just like when they're truly serious about anything else. We all know there's a gap in the market - FSC sucks and a competing ESPN channel with enough live games would smoke them handily.

I've read that ESPN is bullish on soccer. However, I can't help but see the way the NHL has been treated since ESPN stopped broadcasting their games and wonder if soccer is going to end up with the same treatment.

For as much as I hate this as a soccer fan and somebody who thinks that the exposure can help the national team, part of me is hoping the ESPN got totally backstabbed on this. FIFA might be the only organization in the world that is less scrupulous than ESPN, and I kinda hope they gave them what's been coming.
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jlb1705;2017376; said:
Is La Liga really that interesting beyond Real Madrid and Barca?

If ESPN really wants to get serious they'll start a network for it - just like when they're truly serious about anything else. We all know there's a gap in the market - FSC sucks and a competing ESPN channel with enough live games would smoke them handily.

I've read that ESPN is bullish on soccer. However, I can't help but see the way the NHL has been treated since ESPN stopped broadcasting their games and wonder if soccer is going to end up with the same treatment.

For as much as I hate this as a soccer fan and somebody who thinks that the exposure can help the national team, part of me is hoping the ESPN got totally backstabbed on this. FIFA might be the only organization in the world that is less scrupulous than ESPN, and I kinda hope they gave them what's been coming.

There's smaller teams I enjoy watching including Sevilla, Valencia, and Atletico Madrid. Either way, they need more coverage of soccer before being butt hurt about not getting the WC. Plus they need better announcers. These American announcers are so boring and talk about the dumbest [Mark May]. Give me Martin Tyler, and I'm ecstatic!

Why don't you like FSC? If you don't mind me asking. I personally LOVE it. Wall-to-wall coverage of EPL, the best Serie A matchups for the week, International Friendlies, and I love Fox Soccer Report and Sky Sports News (I know it is it's own channel in UK).
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TooTallMenardo;2017381; said:
There's smaller teams I enjoy watching including Sevilla, Valencia, and Atletico Madrid. Either way, they need more coverage of soccer before being butt hurt about not getting the WC. Plus they need better announcers. These American announcers are so boring and talk about the dumbest [Mark May]. Give me Martin Tyler, and I'm ecstatic!

Why don't you like FSC? If you don't mind me asking. I personally LOVE it. Wall-to-wall coverage of EPL, the best Serie A matchups for the week, International Friendlies, and I love Fox Soccer Report and Sky Sports News (I know it is it's own channel in UK).

Too much tape delay, too much second-hand content from Sky Sports and the stuff that is produced stateside is extremely low-rent.

Maybe I need to give it another try. The last time I remember tuning in for a live match was their debut of Soccer Night in America in Portland. I admit that I liked that broadcast, but it also reminded me how much I disliked the rest of what they were doing.
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jlb1705;2017391; said:
Too much tape delay, too much second-hand content from Sky Sports and the stuff that is produced stateside is extremely low-rent.

Maybe I need to give it another try. The last time I remember tuning in for a live match was their debut of Soccer Night in America in Portland. I admit that I liked that broadcast, but it also reminded me how much I disliked the rest of what they were doing.

EPL airs their games live, but it's REALLY early. :lol: (Thank god for DVR) Same as Serie A, I believe.

I will agree with you there are quite a bit of tape delays, but when soccer coverage is as bad as it is, I don't mind the tape delays because I don't have anything to spoil it for me. It would be different if ESPN was HUGE into soccer and showed every highlight as they were happening. But that definitely isn't the case.
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