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ESPN (A bunch of Death-Spiraling maroons)

scott91575;2006328; said:
So now they have a bunch of half naked athletes for a feature. There is Hope Solo, and then a bunch of naked dudes. They say there are some women in there, but I can't really tell.

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first they go from drooling over the B1G - remember the complaints from Florida fans - to hyperbolizing every flaw because of Delaney turning down their offer...

now the directly order the ACC about how to destroy the big east...
Could the ESPN meddling have been a retaliatory move? Remember, the Big East turned down a $1.9 billion offer from the worldwide schemer and is said to be entertaining offers from NBC, CBS and FOX for its next media contract. ESPN is currently the first tier media partner for the league, but after helping the ACC decide which teams to kidnap from the Big East, an over-the-air network getting the deal of a lifetime is a fair bet
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BuckTwenty;2010414; said:
Hey Gator- how much in damages could the Big East seek from ESPN if they were to go under over their meddling? Could $1.9 billion be a possibility?
Well, let's calculate all of the damages from loss of value using the value for the current Big East teams' BCS National Championships and multiply by one thousand.

Let's see.......that one thousand times.....goes into....carry the three.....

Looks like nothing. :biggrin:
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Gatorubet;2010420; said:
Well, let's calculate all of the damages from loss of value using the value for the current Big East teams' BCS National Championships and multiply by one thousand.

Let's see.......that one thousand times.....goes into....carry the three.....

Looks like nothing. :biggrin:

I don't think a claim for tortious interference with business relationships would be entirely impossible.
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Couple of Twitter sources are saying Pat Forde is leaving ESPN for Yahoo! Sports.

I'm sure it's too much to ask, but it would be great to hear some insider dirt on The Mother Ship from Forde.

EDIT - Article:

Forde leaves ESPN

Pat Forde, the longtime ESPN.com columnist who is the Worldwide Leader’s foremost college football and basketball writer, is leaving ESPN for rival Yahoo Sports, according to multiple sources. Forde’s contract at ESPN expires Nov. 1, at which point he’ll move to Yahoo.

Forde didn’t answer a phone call or reply to a text, and ESPN.com Editor-in-Chief Rob King refused comment when reached on his cell phone.

Forde’s departure, which is apparently amicable (unlike Bruce Feldman’s in September), has been rumored in nerdy sports media circles for months. Sources say Forde has long been unhappy with what he couldn’t report on or look into because of ESPN’s many conflicts of interest. Additionally, Forde might be the only ESPN writer to take a jab at the Longhorn Network, and sources say he wasn’t thrilled with the way the Feldman saga unfolded (Forde, obviously, wasn’t the only one).

I’ve got to be blunt: This is a massive, massive loss for ESPN. Forde was a staple on the radio and TV, and his Forde-Yard-Dash column was probably the .com’s most popular college football feature.
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BusNative;2011906; said:
I would pay full price for an inside scoop from Feldman and Forde (even though I hate his columns) if they came out with a book giving some insight into ESPiN's manipulation of college football... FULL price.

Meh, a marionette doesn't know who's pulling the strings, let alone who's directing the play.

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