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ESPN (A bunch of Death-Spiraling maroons)

Poe McKnoe;2017425; said:
It's a race to see who can overpay the most and sell a sponsorship of every second of the program. Or they can just lose money like NBC on the Olympics and Notre Dame football.

"It's the Mitsubishi McDonalds Meijer First round of the 2014 Wal-Mart Aarons Sprint Home Depot Mens (Warehouse!) World Cup!!"

Nailed it.
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Poe McKnoe;2017425; said:
It's a race to see who can overpay the most and sell a sponsorship of every second of the program. Or they can just lose money like NBC on the Olympics and Notre Dame football.

You know if they made the players dress like corporate mascots soccer might actually be worth watching.
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Two gripes I have always had with The World Wide Whatever

1. Before the Texas USC MNC game they had all the past great MNC winners take a hypothetical beat down from the greatest team ever, 2005-06 USC Trojans. What poetic justice after Herbie and Shit gave there expert analysis on how they would run the '95-96 Nebraska teams the '01 Miami team our '03 team and all the others off the field, they failed to deliver vs. Texas.

2. They don't have defensive statistics in their College football box scores.
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If Martin Tyler is retired in 2018, it might be interesting to see who takes the lead spot on FOX's broadcast. I do enjoy Ian Darke and Steve McManaman on the EPL broadcast on ESPN2, but this is in comparison to past ESPN teams (which is hardly a comparison).

Still wish I could read some of the negotiations and wonder if ESPN low-balled FIFA kind of like they did Jim Delany and the Big Ten, when Delany said "consider the dice rolled" and started BTN. Seems like FOX's bid was huge.

Just really hope FOX doesn't go on the cheap and sets up a studio in Russia and Qatar like ESPN does (rather than having the studio broadcast from LA).

I guess at least ESPN can take solace that it has the Longhorn Network.

Grant Wahl's Reaction Story (from ESPN's $100m bid in 05 to between $450m-$500m for FOX in 11)
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my Spartan parents are in town, so we watched the EL based gameday

David Pollack was apparently a breath of fresh air yesterday, saying he liked personal fouls to send a message and that it is hard to play all out then magically stop at the whistle, but that twisting a helmet was completely uncalled for

today espn had clearly told him to dial it back with a far more negative view towards the situation, and wouldn't even let him talk when they were going back and forth in their bull session, where Herbie declared that video games are why the personal fouls are so prevalent. great argument Herbie :lol:

Desmond had a much better rebuke, mocking the safeties that give up a huge gain but get their swag on for tackling them hard at the end of the conversion.
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Yeah, I watched a bit of Gameday today, and Herbie finally made a solid point. He was talking about how stupid it is that DB's wreck a guy after a 20 yard gain on third and 7, then try to act as though they did something good.

He also stated that he thought the game today suffered from undisciplined players, and I agree.

Desmond was clearly butthurt over the Denard stuff, he was whining like a bitch. Fuck him.
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jwinslow;2017650; said:
Desmond had a much better rebuke, mocking the safeties that give up a huge gain but get their swag on for tackling them hard at the end of the conversion.

BlufftonBuckeye;2017690; said:
Yeah, I watched a bit of Gameday today, and Herbie finally made a solid point. He was talking about how stupid it is that DB's wreck a guy after a 20 yard gain on third and 7, then try to act as though they did something good.

Well, which was it?

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I may have it backwards, but Herbie definitely made the absurd video game reference. I remember them agreeing about the swagger nonsense, just without using that word.
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WolverineMike;2017709; said:
My favorite is when a WR simply drops the ball and the DB jumps all around pounding his chest like he had something to do with the guy having butterfingers.

*cough* Travis Howard *cough*

There have been a few times I had to shake my head as he is celebrating a poor throw/drop/bad route, when he had nothing to do with the play.

And, like you guys mentioned, special teams...jesus. I love when a guy fields a punt, gets lit up, and everyone celebrates like he made a spectacular play. Um, the guy is as defenseless as it gets, staring at the ball, and you blew him up. Not exactly a difficult play.
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