BB73;1971201; said:
Of course, yachts/hookers/ponzi scheme/strippers/abortion should be a much more exciting story than a few guys getting free tattoos and a famous coach not reporting a couple of emails.
Well, the thing that strikes me is that they're never going to get to the ridiculous level of *wink* *wink* minutae they did with Ohio State. And that's mostly because there is so much here, it would take 2 years to come up with all the fake accompanying car scandals that you could tie to all the actual indiscretions.
I guess my point is that whether they like it or not, and whether they run with every little side article or not, this Miami thing is too huge for them either to ignore, or not run with.
The thing that really strikes me about the Yahoo article is what's NOT there. And I don't mean that in the "well, if this was going on, you know that someone knew" stuff. (I mean that's there too). I'm talking about having one paragraph like this:
Shapiro named 39 Miami players or prospective recruits who he says received prostitution paid for by the booster. Due to the sensitivity of the claims, Yahoo! Sports has chosen not to reveal the names of the players Shapiro claims were involved. However, two players confirmed the booster paid for sexual favors for themselves and others during their careers with the Hurricanes.
And compare that to ESPN freaking out over who player "g" or whatever was.
That and they're only naming players that they have corroborating evidence on... not the 30 odd others that they don't. (Kirk Herbstriet, are you paying attention... yes, mother fucker, I'm talking to you) No mention of drugs really, you know that went down, too.
Wetzel can only do so many side articles while Robinson is doing the radio talk show circuit. I'm sure the Newspapers in Miami are wondering how they are going to dig into all this stuff...
I guess my point is, if it got to Ohio State levels of details and rehashing it would take YEARS. But, realistically, someone is going to have to do it, with ESPN's complicity or not. Poor Dan LeBatard is realizing it was the wrong day to quit amphetamines.
The worst part is, somewhere, in Bristol, some cocksucker is focus grouping whether bartered tatoos or free hookers moves the needle farther.