Gatorubet;1971305; said:On the first day it broke - after the Miami story had been broken for almost half a day - ESPN had some headline article about Tressel making a visit to the Browns camp. LLLLLLoyd was there as well. But the headline was "Tressel shows up at Brown's Camp" or something, and the only point of the article was to have the first sentence of the article label him as "disgraced Former Ohio State Head Coach...blah blah" and to quickly rehash the tat-5 deal.
It truly has been eye opening the last few weeks once it became apparent tOSU troubles were not going to spin into the kind of morass the Miami folks actually have. Granted, the story about TP and his agent claiming things is something legitimately "new", but to have Miami exploding and to see two stories about tOSU - and one not involving a current coach - while the Miami story is ignored is something that should be the subject of someone's Doctoral Thesis on journalistic/ethics. I'm pretty sure that ESPN has been getting some interesting mail and e-mail from your zips codes - but that is part of covering college sports.
Huh huh...
You said Morass
huh huh.