ORD_Buckeye;1870647; said:I, too, am not ready to string the kid up. As best I can discern we have something ranging from:
immaturity and bad judgment****>maybe some psych issues****>sexual assault.
If it falls on the far left end of the scale, I wouldn't have a problem giving the kid his scholarship provided some counseling (and maybe a Red Foreman assfooting) came along with it. I just don't see any need to rush in with a LOI until we know for sure, his actions didn't fall further towards the right end of the spectrum.
The true far left is "nothing at all happened that was inappropriate".
Seeing as I have nowhere near enough information, nor do most people outside of the authorities (and quite possibly even them), I would not even begin to try to place where he is on the spectrum.
I will trust the coaches. If they bring him in and something turns up later that places reality toward the right of the spectrum he would likely be released, as would any other player in a situation where evidence is found to incriminate.