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Derrick "LLL" Green (RB ttun transfer to TCU)

jwinslow;2160236; said:
His football speed or his track shorts speed? I don't see a 4.3 guy on tape.

Good, 10-20ish range RB imo.

Agree with this.

I think Green is a fantastic looking RB and prospect, but I just think the 5* and a ranking that high should be reserved for the very elite. I like Green's game a lot and would take him in a second, but I honestly feel like the reason he got rated so highly was because he's from Mike Farrell's neck of the woods. Farrell is also trying to make a push for Kendall Fuller, who is also from his region, to be the #1 player in the country. I love Fuller's game, and he's a top notch DB, but he's not a better prospect than Foster or Nkmediche. I honestly think Green's huge bump on Rivals was because of Farrell.
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Love Green but #12 overall does seem really high.

Just comparing him to Brionte who are pretty similar in size. Green without a doubt is the better athlete but Dunn was certainly the better player in hs; more elusive, better vision, looks a stronger runner vs better competition.

If he can back up his athleticism and become a RB with skills like Dunn then he likely is a 5*, I just don't see it now.

Raw talent is through the roof and he could be really really good, do think someone that high should have better tape though and not be ranked there because of how good he looks in a t-shirt and shorts.
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buckeyegunners;2160253; said:
Love Green but #12 overall does seem really high.

Just comparing him to Brionte who are pretty similar in size. Green without a doubt is the better athlete but Dunn was certainly the better player in hs; more elusive, better vision, looks a stronger runner vs better competition.

If he can back up his athleticism and become a RB with skills like Dunn then he likely is a 5*, I just don't see it now.

Raw talent is through the roof and he could be really really good, do think someone that high should have better tape though and not be ranked there because of how good he looks in a t-shirt and shorts.

good point on Brionte Dunn comparison. Dunn to me had much more impressive tape against better competition and Rivals rated him as the #138 player in the country. Why so low? Just because he doesn't run a 4.4? I will never get that, Dunn should have been rated much higher by them.

Rivals to me seems like the T-Shirt & Shorts service of all the recruiting sites. Look great at their self-run camps in shorts and voila, 5 stars for you.
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residentmfan;2160277; said:
good point on Brionte Dunn comparison. Dunn to me had much more impressive tape against better competition and Rivals rated him as the #138 player in the country. Why so low? Just because he doesn't run a 4.4? I will never get that, Dunn should have been rated much higher by them.

Rivals to me seems like the T-Shirt & Shorts service of all the recruiting sites. Look great at their self-run camps in shorts and voila, 5 stars for you.

Don't think that's necessarily accurate as ESPN has always been the most biased toward passing the eye test (as well as the south). While I don't know if Green is the 12th best player in the country, you have to remember that a lot of recruiting is projection. Green's ceiling is ridiculously high. Also, they're trying to take intangibles into account which Green has proven that he has plenty of.
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Jdadams01;2160296; said:
Don't think that's necessarily accurate as ESPN has always been the most biased toward passing the eye test (as well as the south). While I don't know if Green is the 12th best player in the country, you have to remember that a lot of recruiting is projection. Green's ceiling is ridiculously high. Also, they're trying to take intangibles into account which Green has proven that he has plenty of.

Farrell has always been biased to guys from his region IMO, and Rivals is becoming biased towards kids that attend their VTO/5-Star Challenge camps because they have to. ESPN puts on the Nike camps and from what I understand they aren't allowing any other recruiting service but ESPN cover them anymore. At least that is the impression that I was under.
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Im honestly happy for this kid to be ranked so high. He went from a rather obscure out if shape DT, to shedding pounds and putting in work in the weight room and on the field, and is now the #1 ranked RB. That's a big testament to the kids work ethic. Id love to have him play for the buckeyes. But I can't wait to follow his career in general if he doesn't.
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pnuts34;2160327; said:
Im honestly happy for this kid to be ranked so high. He went from a rather obscure out if shape DT, to shedding pounds and putting in work in the weight room and on the field, and is now the #1 ranked RB. That's a big testament to the kids work ethic. Id love to have him play for the buckeyes. But I can't wait to follow his career in general if he doesn't.

Yeah thats why hes one of my favorite recruits in this class. He likes to model his game after Eddie George, but his work ethic and dedication is just as high. His type of character spreads throughout for a football team. Like Simon, Tebow, etc
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osugrad21;2160303; said:
There is zero doubt that 'combine kids' get the preferential treatment. Not all kids (or coaches) can afford to bounce around the region for these camps...

Get film, get a name and trust the staffs to recognize what they want.

Buckrock;2160324; said:
Agreed. Film doesn't lie.


"Huh??? Come at me bros!!!"
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residentmfan;2160277; said:
good point on Brionte Dunn comparison. Dunn to me had much more impressive tape against better competition and Rivals rated him as the #138 player in the country. Why so low? Just because he doesn't run a 4.4? I will never get that, Dunn should have been rated much higher by them.

Rivals to me seems like the T-Shirt & Shorts service of all the recruiting sites. Look great at their self-run camps in shorts and voila, 5 stars for you.

Green moved up when Alabama offered him. Dunn was so low because he committed to Ohio State, early...Rivals wants people to check it?s site. People don?t check it for low ranked players. They want to see where the 5 stars are going.

That being said, I want Green in this class!
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bucknut502;2160335; said:
Green moved up when Alabama offered him. Dunn was so low because he committed to Ohio State, early...Rivals wants people to check it?s site. People don?t check it for low ranked players. They want to see where the 5 stars are going.

That being said, I want Green in this class!
I've been following his recruitment for a while now, and reading the past few pages, especially when he claimed Clemson was leading, I'm not sure the staff really do. I feel that if he was going to commit, he would've already. Or is he someone that we want to take a look at during the camp?
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bucknut502;2160335; said:
Green moved up when Alabama offered him. Dunn was so low because he committed to Ohio State, early...Rivals wants people to check it?s site. People don?t check it for low ranked players. They want to see where the 5 stars are going.

That being said, I want Green in this class!

I don't think that theorys going to hold true from this year on with so many high ranked players committing early to get their recruitment over with. The numbers have been steadily increasing and verbal offers are being sent earlier. The camp theory will start to hold more true, imo. Frosh, and sophomores getting their names out quick in combines and camps to get rated higher. I think at the root of it, fans care about what recruits are going to their school and their rivals. And maybe some of the elite teams. College football is very regional, and even though the big 12 and even pac 12 put put some elite teams, sec country only cares about themselves. Same with big 12 territory, they could care less about the big 10 or sec.
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ant80;2160336; said:
I've been following his recruitment for a while now, and reading the past few pages, especially when he claimed Clemson was leading, I'm not sure the staff really do. I feel that if he was going to commit, he would've already. Or is he someone that we want to take a look at during the camp?

Drayton has seen him at camp, doubt it's one of those scenarios. They know he's talented, question is if we have room for a 2nd RB.
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