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Derrick "LLL" Green (RB ttun transfer to TCU)

pnuts34;2166828; said:
I don't really think any of us will be surprised by elliot. The kid has track speed and has good vision. Will work well in the spread. But green is a kid we should save a spot for if possible, he's really talented, has a tremendous work ethic and is not just an ordinary rb. Reminds me a little of Trent Richardson but we wont have to rely solely on him as we will use a committee

that may be the problem he see's with our offense. He doesn't want to be RB by committe. He wants the rock 25 times a game.
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Tlangs;2167079; said:
that may be the problem he see's with our offense. He doesn't want to be RB by committe. He wants the rock 25 times a game.

They way I see it is if you are a dynamic back/player, you get the ball. Period. I don't see one of those on our team (yet) but if one emerges, I expect you would see a feature back. And that is for any coach, not just UFM.
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ant80;2166840; said:

I can forgive Greem, but I 'i' and 'e' are on two different hands on the keyboard.

If by different hands, you mean the same hand and finger hitting w+e in one stroke...

which probably was autocorrected from weill to will.

This was a worthy point to make :so:
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RB07OSU;2167087; said:
They way I see it is if you are a dynamic back/player, you get the ball. Period. I don't see one of those on our team (yet) but if one emerges, I expect you would see a feature back. And that is for any coach, not just UFM.

I agree but UFM has a history of more times than not having a RB by committee, and I'm sure he hears that several times a day by every other school that is recruiting him.
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Tlangs;2167098; said:
I agree but UFM has a history of more times than not having a RB by committee, and I'm sure he hears that several times a day by every other school that is recruiting him.

Running back by committee is much better for a player in the long run - ask Beanie Wells about the toll 30+ carries a game takes even over just two college seasons. It's no accident that almost every NFL team (or at least the successful ones) spread the load between multiple RBs these days.

Of course, it is perfectly understandable why a player would still want to be "the man" once they step on campus.
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Green holds Clemson in high regards
By Eric Guimaraes

RB Derrick Green of Richmond, VA is not ready to narrow his list but plans to get it down to ten this summer. Clemson remains strong with Green and could make the cut. "I would say they have a good shot," Green chuckled. "It's a nice school and I have a good relationship with the coaches and my positions coach. I like what they do on offense and I know they're going to run the ball. They have really nice facilities." Over the past months, Green has taken several visits that include Clemson, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Tennessee and NC State. He heads to Auburn, Alabama and Ole Miss in July. "I was at Penn State yesterday (Sunday)," he said. "I checked out the weight room and talked to some of the coaches. It was my third trip there and it went well." Green plans to take all five official visits before making a decision. "I don't really know which schools I'll visit yet," he admitted. "I'm still building relationships and learning about different schools." There are no leaders for Green.

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24/7 $ - Top247 RB Green checks out PSU


From the PSU site...says the trip definitely boosts PSU's chances...likes Coach O'Brien and his pro-style offense.

BN $ - Green Anxious To Meet OSU Staff


By BK...likes Coach Meyer's sense of humor and sees himself as an all-purpose back who could play some spread...visiting Alabama, Auburn and Ole Miss in July and wants to visit OSU again.
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ACC All Access: Where UVa, Virginia Tech stand in pursuit of top RB Derrick Green
By Norm Wood
June 21, 2012

When it comes to personal goals, Derrick Green doesn't want much ? 3,000 yards rushing in a single season will do just fine.

Even suggesting such a lofty mark might seem absurd for most high school running backs, but Green isn't your run-of-the-mill talent. At 5-foot-11 and 223 pounds, he is a compact bundle of power running potential and has drawn interest from some of the nation's top college football programs.

In the midst of piecing together my annual Fab 15 in-state recruiting rankings, which will be released in July for the class of 2013, I had a chance to catch up this week with Green ? a rising senior at Hermitage High in Richmond. I met him for the first time in July at the Football University Top Gun camp in Williamsburg, when he still had just five scholarship offers (granted, they were big offers ? Virginia, Virginia Tech, Ohio State, Penn State and Tennessee).

Since then, his number of offers has ballooned to 32. His offers have more than doubled since Christmas.

It's fair to say there's more than a little buzz surrounding Green, who is considered by most recruiting analysts to be among the nation's top 10 running back prospects, and one of the top 60 overall recruits (regardless of position) in the nation.

At this point, Green isn't feeling any strong need to stay in-state, but he's definitely considering both U.Va. and Tech. He's a young man with options, and he plans on exploring them all.

?It doesn't matter,? said Green regarding his potential to stay in-state for college or head elsewhere. ?I'm just going to the best school that fits me ? where I have the best relationship with the coaching staff and where I can get the best education. Right now, it doesn't matter where that school is.

?I don't have a top 10 right now. Everybody is still on the same playing field. I'm just in the process right now of visiting schools and seeing what the schools have to offer.?

He had a busy spring with unofficial visits to U.Va., Tech, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina, N.C. State, Tennessee and Clemson. He said he plans to tour half the West division of the Southeastern Conference in July when he visits Alabama, Auburn and Mississippi.

He has offers from all of the aforementioned schools, plus Oklahoma, Oregon, Southern California, Miami, South Carolina, Arkansas, West Virginia, Mississippi State, Oklahoma State, Washington, Rutgers, Purdue, UCLA, Vanderbilt, Pittsburgh, Boston College, Illinois and Georgia Tech.


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