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Derrick "LLL" Green (RB ttun transfer to TCU)

osugrad21;2160303; said:
There is zero doubt that 'combine kids' get the preferential treatment. Not all kids (or coaches) can afford to bounce around the region for these camps...

Get film, get a name and trust the staffs to recognize what they want.

Agree that the staffs word is usually bond, but there've been numerous studies that show a correlation between recruiting rankings and on-field success. I believe offers will drive up a guys stock more than hitting a combine.

As for the money issue, nobody heading to Dallas or Atlanta for the Rivals Showcases is paying one red cent in airfare or lodging. I'd imagine the same goes for The Opening attendees in Beaverton.
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UpNorth_Buckeye;2160333; said:

"Huh??? Come at me bros!!!"

So had this picture waiting on standby for when a great pic of our future D-line was on display.
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EasternBuck;2166821; said:
I really like Greem, don't get me wrong, but I really think we will be surprised at how really "electrifying" Elliot well be.

I don't really think any of us will be surprised by elliot. The kid has track speed and has good vision. Will work well in the spread. But green is a kid we should save a spot for if possible, he's really talented, has a tremendous work ethic and is not just an ordinary rb. Reminds me a little of Trent Richardson but we wont have to rely solely on him as we will use a committee
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