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Derrick "LLL" Green (RB ttun transfer to TCU)

MaxBuck;2151212; said:
Not really true. DeShawn Wynn.

Agreed. Funny too becuase I usually use him to counteract any arguments against Meyer never having a power back, so can't believe I missed him :). Emmanuel Moody, to some extent, was this "kind" of back as well. Tebow was used throughout his career this way too.
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Good news. I would have hated for us to not have room in our class for a big time talent like Green. My only real worry is that he may be close to peaking from a physical standpoint...but there is still some upside to him and not to mention, he helped get Grant here. Come on down Derrick!
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The Transformer
Derrick Green renovated his life off the field, helping him become a success on it
Originally Published: May 10, 2012
By Dave Hooker | ESPN RecruitingNation

BALTIMORE -- Two years ago, Derrick Green looked nothing like an invitee to The Opening. As a matter of fact, he didn't even look like a tailback.

Green, who now is 6-foot and 215 pounds, was once a 5-8, 268-pound offensive lineman. Suffice to say, Green, a running back from Richmond (Va.) Heritage who ranks as the nation's No. 83 player, worked hard secure his ticket to The Opening.


Scott Fink/ESPNHSDerrick Green lost more than 50 pounds and has blossomed into a major Division I recruit.

"It's a big opportunity for me," Green said about the invitation to the elite camp that features many of the nation's top high school football recruits. "I'm just blessed they picked me to represent Virginia. I'm just going to go out there and compete."

Green was selected after he participated in Saturday's Nike Football Training Camp at McDaniel College in Baltimore.

"I felt like I did real well," he said. "I was catching all my balls. My footwork was on point. I excelled in everything."

That wasn't always the case, especially when he was a chunky high school freshman.

Green, a four-star prospect, decided to lose the extra weight for two reasons. First, a coach with a good eye for talent noticed that even though Green was pudgy, he was still fast. Even at 268 pounds, he clocked a 5.0-seconds time in 40-yard dash. So Green was moved to fullback, where he got a taste of carrying the ball. Then, he met with a trainer in the offseason who asked him what position he played.

"I told him I was a running back and he said, 'Nah, I don't see a running back. I see a defensive tackle or something,'" Green said with his trademark chuckle. "My only words to him were, 'I'm going to show you.' I worked hard with him, lost the weight and cut it down. I just knew I couldn't be a running back at 268 and run a 5-flat. I had to do what I had to do."

Green's dedication to diet and training hasn't just moved the scale. It has moved massive amounts of weight. Green bench presses 330 pounds, squats 600 pounds and dead-lifts 615.


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That's really an impressive article. Good for Derrick!!

The stable of horses on campus is quite good right now. Add another guy like Derrick in there and it would be USC-like from a few years ago. They are all loving the fact that we will be running an offense in the mold that Oregon is using now also.
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I view Derrick Green as the RB version of John Simon. His work ehtic is top notch, hes a great leader and example, and a powerhouse of a football player. His type of character rubs off on his teammates and motivates everyone to get better

He would be a big get and absolutely should be a main target for Urban and OSU hopefully. He does more for a team than just on his football abliity
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USC needs running backs, they will get Isaac and it would not shock me to see them go after Green.
I think he ends up some where other than OSU or even TSUN.
Probably Clemson. When he didn't commit to us earlier the handwriting was on the wall.
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residentmfan;2160170; said:
I like him a lot, but I don't see a 5* RB on tape. Ty Isaac is closer to that than Green to me. I think this is the classic case of living in Mike Farrell's region bump.

Hes not just a 5star now, hes #12 overall and the #1 runningback in the country! I sure hope Urban can get him

And hes rated that high because hes just a physical specimen. I bet there isnt another RB in the country built like him with his combination of speed and power.

Heres why he moved up, according to rivals
RB Derrick Green, Richmond (Va.) Hermitage - No one in the country looks better on the hoof at running back than Green and he showed he has improved his ability to be an every down back in college.

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BuckJr;2160218; said:
Hes not just a 5star now, hes #12 overall and the #1 runningback in the country! I sure hope Urban can get him

And hes rated that high because hes just a physical specimen. I bet there isnt another RB in the country built like him with his combination of speed and power.

Heres why he moved up, according to rivals
RB Derrick Green, Richmond (Va.) Hermitage - No one in the country looks better on the hoof at running back than Green and he showed he has improved his ability to be an every down back in college.


Compare his film to previous #1 RB's in the nation and top 10ish players. I don't believe he stacks up in comparison.

I think he's obviously a very good RB and prospect, but #12 overall, 5*, and #1 RB in the nation seems a little high to me. I mean compare him to years past #1 RB's, like Jonathan Gray in 2011, Marcus Lattimore in 2010, Trent Richardson in 2009, Darrell Scott in 2008, Joe McKnight in 2007, Beanie Wells in 2006? I don't think he is at that sort of level as a high school RB or college prospect.

Scout and 247 just updated their rankings as well, and they both have Green as a 4*, Scout has him as the 17th best RB, 247 has him as the 12th best RB. He's obviously a good back and prospect, but I would not put him 12 spots ahead of Ty Isaac or 80 spots ahead of Kelvin Taylor.
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residentmfan;2160231; said:
Compare his film to previous #1 RB's in the nation and top 10ish players. I don't believe he stacks up in comparison.

I think he's obviously a very good RB and prospect, but #12 overall, 5*, and #1 RB in the nation seems a little high to me. I mean compare him to years past #1 RB's, like Jonathan Gray in 2011, Marcus Lattimore in 2010, Trent Richardson in 2009, Darrell Scott in 2008, Joe McKnight in 2007, Beanie Wells in 2006? I don't think he is at that sort of level as a high school RB or college prospect.

Scout and 247 just updated their rankings as well, and they both have Green as a 4*, Scout has him as the 17th best RB, 247 has him as the 12th best RB. He's obviously a good back and prospect, but I would not put him 12 spots ahead of Ty Isaac or 80 spots ahead of Kelvin Taylor.

Scott, Mcknight did not live up to the hype IMO. Gray is still to be decided on. I think hes rated that highly because due to his potential.(Just look at his offer list)

Theres rarely a 6'0ft 220 RB with 4.3 speed to go along with his powerhouse strength. He's only played the position for 2 years remember, and I think his film is pretty good. Hermitage blew out most of their opponents and he only got to play 2 quarters a game basically

Either way, I would love for him to become a buckeye!
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And hes rated that high because hes just a physical specimen. I bet there isnt another RB in the country built like him with his combination of speed and power.
His football speed or his track shorts speed? I don't see a 4.3 guy on tape.

Good, 10-20ish range RB imo.
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