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Derrick "LLL" Green (RB ttun transfer to TCU)

Osi;2145967; said:
I feel there is a difference between having offers from just the Big Ten, and having offers from 28 schools nationwide.

Again, my point was hypothetical. And as mentioned, Michigan already has Smith on board and I imagine they will pursue Issac all the way til the end.
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Let me also say that I hope the staff has moved on from Green. No need, IMO.

The old adage is a pair and a spare.

OSU showed they have that going into next season without even counting Jordan Hall. Hyde is a junior. Smith is a RS sophomore. Dunn is a true freshman (and not to mention he is a matchup nightmare when he can be trusted to motion out of the backfield into the slot). And they add Ball to the mix in the fall, although likely to redshirt, IMO. And they add Elliott in 2013.

I say be done with RBs in 2013 and look at 1-2 next year.
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I hate passing on Green, mostly because he helped bring in Grant, but he also held off verballing when he had a chance for awhile. Adding to Wade's point, I expect guys like Marshall and other WR types to grab plenty of carries also. Not saying I don't want to see Green in this class, just saying I won't be completely opposed to not taking him.
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wadc45;2145999; said:
Let me also say that I hope the staff has moved on from Green. No need, IMO.

The old adage is a pair and a spare.

OSU showed they have that going into next season without even counting Jordan Hall. Hyde is a junior. Smith is a RS sophomore. Dunn is a true freshman (and not to mention he is a matchup nightmare when he can be trusted to motion out of the backfield into the slot). And they add Ball to the mix in the fall, although likely to redshirt, IMO. And they add Elliott in 2013.

I say be done with RBs in 2013 and look at 1-2 next year.

I agree. We can use that spot for a WR or another OL.
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I think with Green's help getting Grant, along with his great talent and well documented work ethic, he truly deserved an offer. However, he also got that offer. I understand he said he wanted to wait so his teammates could get some attention, which is noble of him, but he could have also silently verballed or at least let the staff know that he is in. I would still like Green to be a Buckeye, but there are a lot of talented players wanting to commit (see Kimbrough and McNeil for starters) who don't even have offers right now, so it is also understandable if the staff chooses to move on.

If we don't take him, he will have success for sure wherever he goes. If he does verbal here, great. Either way, he's a great kid and it's a bummer that the NCAA's sanctions are working to hurt the dreams of kids who have aspired and would love to be able to play here, and not those who perpetrated the crimes.
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Ohio State Football Recruiting: Q&A with Derrick Green
By Michael Chung(Correspondent) on April 24, 2012

Do the Buckeyes have a chance to land Derrick Green?

Internet sites have blown up recently about Derrick Green. At one time, recruiting experts considered Green a virtual lock for Ohio State, but recent reports have surfaced that OSU no longer leads the hunt.

Instead, Clemson has been reported as Green's latest preference, with Steve Wiltfong of 247 Sports claiming he has an interest in Michigan as well. Derrick took some time out to talk to me to set the record straight.

Internet sites have recently reported that Clemson is your new leader. Is that true?

DG: Not true. I do not have a leader at this time. Everyone is equal.

Which school or schools will you visit next?

DG: I will visit Oklahoma State and Oklahoma.

So OSU is equal with Clemson, not behind?

DG: Yes, all the schools are equal now.

Does Ohio State still have a chance to have you play for them?

DG: Definitely, I speak with coach Stan Drayton often. He has talked to me about going up there and visiting. He wants me to see how things are now that Urban Meyer is there. Coach Drayton and I still talk about once a week and I usually give him a call.

Have you talked to coach Urban Meyer yet?

DG: I have talked to him one time so far.

What did he say to you?

DG: He told me it would mean a lot to the program for me to commit to play there.


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matcar;2151191; said:
Interesting quote considering what the other RB commit was quoted as saying about the number of RBs in this class.

I don't think Ezekiel is strictly a RB, since he fits the versatile "Percy Harvin" :! role for the offense. Thus, Green would be the pure RB in the class, which is why I assume we're continuing to go after him. I'm going to assume that although the staff told Green they want "another" RB that he will really be the true RB in this class.
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Contrary to popular belief, Meyer rushed the ball A LOT. He never had a power back at Florida either like he would have in Green, or that we already have in Dunn and Hyde (Smith and Ball I view as more blends of power and verstility). He ran it more than 50% of the time. He isn't all about small speed guys, he's not Rich Rod. He likes them - Rainey and Demps for example - but he likes the power running game too and has said he will add it to his offensive arsenal.
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