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Denard "LLL" Robinson (an excellent driver)

Jaxbuck;2348176; said:
Now that you mention it, it is a little fishy.


Well done! That's how you bring a thread back on topic!:slappy:
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Jaxbuck;2348173; said:
Again I say, the fate of OSU's national perception is in its own hands. Win Bowl games head to head vs the SEC and it will improve. Continue to lose them and it will not.

This hits the nail on the head. Sadly for some in this thread--well, one person in this thread, more precisely--Jax's post shoots a hole in the argument that said poster (and claimed Buckeye fan) must bend over backward to support Michigan whenever possible.
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buckeyesin07;2348217; said:
This hits the nail on the head. Sadly for some in this thread--well, one person in this thread, more precisely--Jax's post shoots a hole in the argument that said poster (and claimed Buckeye fan) must bend over backward to support Michigan whenever possible.

You can use my name.

I don't disagree with much of what Jax says, Ohio State is a brand name forged over the years and backed by the ability to pack a 100K stadium 6 to 7 times a year at $40 to $75 a pop. But the brand is also there because the Buckeyes played in a tough, respected, conference.

Just the same, a one pony circus of a conference is going to ultimately affect Ohio State. Yeah, placed in the MAC, or the Big Sky, or the Mountain West, the Buckeyes would dominate. They already dominate the Big 10. It might not make a difference in the next four years, but keep Michigan, Penn State, Nebraska, and Wisconsin at their current talent and performance level and it will.

The need to denigrate your conference opponents makes no sense to me. Especially since every season when a West Virginia, TCU, Va Tech, Boise, Cincinnati, Miami, Rutgers, Florida State or Notre Dame threatens to go unbeaten - suddenly the cry goes up from this site, "But they didn't play anybody!"

What keeps anyone but a myopic Buckeye fan from asking, "Well, who did Ohio State play?"

"Look at the tough teams on our schedule, Texas, USC, U Miami home and home..." I have and I've got the Bucks at 2 and 4 in those games.

Go back to this past season - do you honestly think that an undefeated Ohio State team would have been picked over Notre Dame to play in an NC game based on winning the conference and the CCG? Let's not even mention a one loss Alabama.

Perception. Perception of the program, perception of the conference.

If you believed Kirk Ferentz is overrated, if you think that Mike Hart and Denard Robinson are mediocre, if you believe that Penn State was nothing and will soon be less, then what kind of pride can you take in the Buckeyes beating them? You've already committed to the idea that Ohio State's competition was nothing. Therefore they accomplished very little by your logic.
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cincibuck;2348227; said:
You can use my name.

I don't disagree with much of what Jax says, Ohio State is a brand name forged over the years and backed by the ability to pack a 100K stadium 6 to 7 times a year at $40 to $75 a pop. But the brand is also there because the Buckeyes played in a tough, respected, conference.

Just the same, a one pony circus of a conference is going to ultimately affect Ohio State. Yeah, placed in the MAC, or the Big Sky, or the Mountain West, the Buckeyes would dominate. They already dominate the Big 10. It might not make a difference in the next four years, but keep Michigan, Penn State, Nebraska, and Wisconsin at their current talent and performance level and it will. Hi

The need to denigrate your conference opponents makes no sense to me. Especially since every season when a West Virginia, TCU, Va Tech, Boise, Cincinnati, Miami, Rutgers, Florida State or Notre Dame threatens to go unbeaten - suddenly the cry goes up from this site, "But they didn't play anybody!"

What keeps anyone but a myopic Buckeye fan from asking, "Well, who did Ohio State play?"

"Look at the tough teams on our schedule, Texas, USC, U Miami home and home..." I have and I've got the Bucks at 2 and 4 in those games.

Go back to this past season - do you honestly think that an undefeated Ohio State team would have been picked over Notre Dame to play in an NC game based on winning the conference and the CCG? Let's not even mention a one loss Alabama.

Perception. Perception of the program, perception of the conference.

If you believed Kirk Ferentz is overrated, if you think that Mike Hart and Denard Robinson are mediocre, if you believe that Penn State was nothing and will soon be less, then what kind of pride can you take in the Buckeyes beating them? You've already committed to the idea that Ohio State's competition was nothing. Therefore they accomplished very little by your logic.


I'm not arguing that Kirk "COY" Ferentz is overrated. I thought everyone understood that as truth.

I get what you're saying, but it's tOSU that has to win the big games. Had the Bucks beat UF or LSU, we wouldn't be having this argument.

I think it's kind of ironic that you say these teams in the B1G need to be good for perception purposes while defending mediocrity. I don't give a shit if the big ten sucks. I don't think it matters so long as polls determine champions. Even with a playoff, they still play a major role. What I won't do is become a typical SEC homer and make ridiculous claims about the strength of my conference. It's down. That's the truth. Me saying Denard is an indestructible winning machine won't change that. If the rest of the B1G refuses to catch up, they can eabod. What matters to tOSU is winning the next big game.
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cincibuck;2348227; said:
If you believed Kirk Ferentz is overrated, if you think that Mike Hart and Denard Robinson are mediocre, if you believe that Penn State was nothing and will soon be less, then what kind of pride can you take in the Buckeyes beating them? You've already committed to the idea that Ohio State's competition was nothing. Therefore they accomplished very little by your logic.

What has Kirk Ferentz done since he's been at Iowa? Has he truly deserved the 5 coach of the year titles in your mind?

What did Bike Hart and Detard ever truly accomplish in their time at scUM?

And as for Ped State, what has that piece of shit school ever done but be totally resentful of being in the Big Ten, having a cult following of their pedophile-enabling coach and then a scandal that will likely cost umpteen millions in FEDERAL fines for failure to report such crimes?

Notice he isn't talking about guys like John Navarre or Chad Henne (BTW Navarre and Henne are light-years ahead of Detard as QBs in college) or even players like Ki-Jana Carter or Tim Biakabutuka or Drew Tate or any one of a number of Big Ten players people could be talking about. Part of that is because those guys by and large didn't open their mouths, and for another, they actually did something on the field.

Detard beat up on the UMASSs of the world. Yippee. Bike Hart talked shit and never won against Ohio State. Penn State we've covered. None of those move the needle one iota whether or not they are good or bad. Usually those teams rise to the top when Ohio State isn't that good. Northwestern is the exact same way, except we don't have literally 100s of posts from people yearning for the Glenn Thistlethwaite Era against the Purdues of the world.

This is a stupid debate to even continue on with....it's not like we're talking about someone whose team won anything in the Big Ten. It's not like we're trying to figure out how he torched Ohio State's defense or why and how he won the Heisman or anything like that.

Whether or not scUM ever returns to it's alleged glory years under Bo (who never won a National Title), there sure as hell will never been another "10 year war"....the entire landscape of college football is so entirely different now from back even in the mid-90s, thinking like what occurred in the 60s/70s/80s as still relevant to the game today is foolish.
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buckeyesin07;2348135; said:
As usual with your criticism, you're late to the party and you're mischaracterizing what's been said. cinci has said that DR was "great," and his one vs. the board crusade to defend DR has gone much further than saying DR "was a good player."

Meanwhile, I've been shouted down for suggesting he was a good player and good kid. Again, just a little reasonable behavior would make this board so much more pleasurable and less a demagogue.
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matcar;2348237; said:
Meanwhile, I've been shouted down for suggesting he was a good player and good kid. Again, just a little reasonable behavior would make this board so much more pleasurable and less a demagogue.

Shouted down? Ok.

Denard was a fine runner. Though just how many broken tackles were the result of lube is up for debate. He seemed like a decent dude while getting his teeth kicked in. His feed me bit wasn't even that big a deal to me until he did it towards tOSU's sideline. I guess he was telling the Buckeyes to stay hungry. Overall, I really don't think he was a bad dude.
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matcar;2348237; said:
Meanwhile, I've been shouted down for suggesting he was a good player and good kid. Again, just a little reasonable behavior would make this board so much more pleasurable and less a demagogue.

I think we can all agree he is a good athlete/good runner. Good QB, absolutely not. He might be a good kid, but he pulled some stupid gesture when he was winning and wanted more. The best analogy I can come up with is Goldilocks: He would leave the game when the competition was too cold. He would tap out when the competition was too hot. And he would want more porridge when it was just right (about 4 times in his career).

So Fuck him and I hope the Bears draft him.
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cincibuck;2348102; said:
And that explains the huge numbers Bauserman rang up? And why didn't Sheridan make all Big Ten?

What is so difficult about admitting that a Michigan player had talent? If it's your big game, what makes it special, that you play against a team with no talent? Hardly.

Move Indiana to the last game of the year and see how excited you get.

The Game is special because the players from both teams are usually fairly evenly matched and the outcome is always in doubt. There's no exciting victory if the other team are pussies.

He had talent.....he just didn't have QB talent.

He was a glorified scat back.
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cincibuck;2348227; said:
the brand is also there because the Buckeyes played in a tough, respected, conference.
That's a strange bit of revisionist history for someone that was around for the Big 2 little 8 days.

cincibuck;2348227; said:
Perception. Perception of the program, perception of the conference.
In this day of 24/7 media, hating on Ohio State (and by extension the Big Ten) is big business which drives ratings and makes money. Fuck everyone and their perception of things and just win.
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And that explains the huge numbers Bauserman rang up? And why didn't Sheridan make all Big Ten?

What is so difficult about admitting that a Michigan player had talent? If it's your big game, what makes it special, that you play against a team with no talent? Hardly.

Move Indiana to the last game of the year and see how excited you get.

The Game is special because the players from both teams are usually fairly evenly matched and the outcome is always in doubt. There's no exciting victory if the other team are pussies.
what the fuck? did you accidentally hit reply to my post when talking to somebody else?

Was Bauserman the only good player on a shitty team? No.....the opposite is more true than that statement.
Was Sheridan any good at all? No. Neither of these statements makes any sense whatsoever when responding to my post.

Then you go on and bitch about how I don't give any Michigan player credit for being good. Let's re-read my post....specifically this part:
the only good player
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