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Denard "LLL" Robinson (an excellent driver)

ScriptOhio;2348153; said:
Being in a tough conference sure hasn't hurt Alabama's chances of winning a National Championship (or three) in recent years. If you want to be the "top dog" you have play, and beat the other "big dogs".
No you don't. Florida State owned the 90s playing in a nobody conference and nobody cared about it. USC ruled the 2000s in a weak ass Pac10. Recruit great players and have a great coach and Ohio State will be in a position to win National Championships no matter what the rest of the B1G does.
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BuckeyeNation27;2348277; said:
No you don't. Florida State owned the 90s playing in a nobody conference and nobody cared about it. USC ruled the 2000s in a weak ass Pac10. Recruit great players and have a great coach and Ohio State will be in a position to win National Championships no matter what the rest of the B1G does.

Exactly. The sec era, thanks in part to their official network, has badly warped perspective if not fully destroyed it.

Miami goes on that list too. Since playing a more challenging conference schedule FSU and Miami have slid considerably.

Penn state will be back to a solid program eventually. Michigan is obviously going to be good maybe great, and osu plays an elite team OOC each year. That is plenty to prepare them for the postseason.

As for alabama, the truth is multiple title runs came against fairly thin regular season schedules, at least compared with the perception of the league. Yet because they win no one cares that they didn't actually run through a gauntlet at all to reach Atlanta
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Mike80;2348233; said:
What has Kirk Ferentz done since he's been at Iowa? Has he truly deserved the 5 coach of the year titles in your mind?

Now this is partially off-topic but I wanted to jump in on this one....

Ferentz has had two straight rough years, well really one medicore and one awful year and that has put a stain on his otherwise strong career. Part of the last two years has been the AIRBHG (Angry Iowa Running Back Hating God) which destroyed them as they're a classic power run team. This is a link with some interesting bits and pieces in the first post. They were down to what, they're 6th string RB last year? And that's not even a joke.

He's got two shared Big Ten titles (only one behind tsun) and I know a whole bunch of schools in this conference that would love that, including Penn State (0), MSU (1), Purdue (1), Northwestern (1), Illinois (1), etc. Iowa doesn't have half the in-state talent of all of those schools either. His middle 10 years at Iowa he had a 85-41 record which is quite stellar for the school and something and something not even the legendary Hayden Fry did for them (max was 83 wins during a 10 game stretch).

Okay, useless Kirk Ferentz rant out. Continue Vaseline/Petroleum Jelly/Astroglide conversation.
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bigdog3300;2348289; said:
Now this is partially off-topic but I wanted to jump in on this one....

Ferentz has had two straight rough years, well really one medicore and one awful year and that has put a stain on his otherwise strong career. Part of the last two years has been the AIRBHG (Angry Iowa Running Back Hating God) which destroyed them as they're a classic power run team. This is a link with some interesting bits and pieces in the first post. They were down to what, they're 6th string RB last year? And that's not even a joke.

He's got two shared Big Ten titles (only one behind tsun) and I know a whole bunch of schools in this conference that would love that, including Penn State (0), MSU (1), Purdue (1), Northwestern (1), Illinois (1), etc. Iowa doesn't have half the in-state talent of all of those schools either. His middle 10 years at Iowa he had a 85-41 record which is quite stellar for the school and something and something not even the legendary Hayden Fry did for them (max was 83 wins during a 10 game stretch).

Okay, useless Kirk Ferentz rant out. Continue Vaseline/Petroleum Jelly/Astroglide conversation.

But Tressel did nothing to get Coach of the Year? :tongue2: Or to use your RB mention, Meyer this year since he was down to his 5th string RB at times.
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Coqui;2348292; said:
But Tressel did nothing to get Coach of the Year? :tongue2: Or to use your RB mention, Meyer this year since he was down to his 5th string RB at times.

Forget who wins the title of "Coach of the Year", it's more the insinuation of Ferentz's career, or lack there of to some.

I can't think of a single person who regards the COY with any form of recognition.
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cincibuck;2348227; said:
You can use my name.

I don't disagree with much of what Jax says, Ohio State is a brand name forged over the years and backed by the ability to pack a 100K stadium 6 to 7 times a year at $40 to $75 a pop. But the brand is also there because the Buckeyes played in a tough, respected, conference.

Just the same, a one pony circus of a conference is going to ultimately affect Ohio State. Yeah, placed in the MAC, or the Big Sky, or the Mountain West, the Buckeyes would dominate. They already dominate the Big 10. It might not make a difference in the next four years, but keep Michigan, Penn State, Nebraska, and Wisconsin at their current talent and performance level and it will.

The need to denigrate your conference opponents makes no sense to me. Especially since every season when a West Virginia, TCU, Va Tech, Boise, Cincinnati, Miami, Rutgers, Florida State or Notre Dame threatens to go unbeaten - suddenly the cry goes up from this site, "But they didn't play anybody!"

What keeps anyone but a myopic Buckeye fan from asking, "Well, who did Ohio State play?"

"Look at the tough teams on our schedule, Texas, USC, U Miami home and home..." I have and I've got the Bucks at 2 and 4 in those games.

Go back to this past season - do you honestly think that an undefeated Ohio State team would have been picked over Notre Dame to play in an NC game based on winning the conference and the CCG? Let's not even mention a one loss Alabama.

Perception. Perception of the program, perception of the conference.

If you believed Kirk Ferentz is overrated, if you think that Mike Hart and Denard Robinson are mediocre, if you believe that Penn State was nothing and will soon be less, then what kind of pride can you take in the Buckeyes beating them? You've already committed to the idea that Ohio State's competition was nothing. Therefore they accomplished very little by your logic.

I don't want to put words in your mouth, but what you're saying seems to be dancing around an old argument that pops up at least once a year and I want to address it again.

Maybe it's because I came of age as a Buckeye during the John Cooper era, but you won't catch me affording what is essentially "second-favored team status" to M*ch*g*n because it might buoy how Ohio State is perceived.

To me, here's how the fan/team relationship in this rivalry should work:
  • Ohio State should win every game that they play.
  • I am to hope for Ohio State to win every game that they play, and for M*ch*g*n to lose every game that they play - or worse.
  • M*ch*g*n is to some how find success and be a credible foil to Ohio State despite my strongest wishes.

If the last one isn't occurring, I'm not at fault as a fan for not wishing them well or talking them up. To me, to expect me to do so, to expect me to change my role in the fan/team relationship is as outlandish as to expect Ohio State donate back some of M*ch*g*n's credibility by letting them win a few times. If the rivalry is broken and it's causing harm, it's the responsibility of the party who is failing to step up, not the responsibility of one of the other parties to find a way to prop them up.
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OMG, his hair!
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BUCKYLE;2348232; said:
Wait....$40?!... Student tickets. Over the last three seasons I've gotten in for $10 to see one of the season OOC games, for free, A deck, fifth row, twenty yard line on the northeast side vs Indiana- granted someone paid full fare, and $140 for Michigan.

I'm not arguing that Kirk "COY" Ferentz is overrated. I thought everyone understood that as truth.

Compared to what? Put Tressel in Iowa City and see if he can win an NC in two years.

I get what you're saying, but it's tOSU that has to win the big games. Had the Bucks beat UF or LSU, we wouldn't be having this argument.

Totally agree, but they didn't and the fact that both games were blowouts - as was the disaster at USC- certainly undermined OSU's rep and that of the Big 10.

I think it's kind of ironic that you say these teams in the B1G need to be good for perception purposes while defending mediocrity. I don't give a shit if the big ten sucks. I don't think it matters so long as polls determine champions. Even with a playoff, they still play a major role. What I won't do is become a typical SEC homer and make ridiculous claims about the strength of my conference. It's down. That's the truth. Me saying Denard is an indestructible winning machine won't change that. If the rest of the B1G refuses to catch up, they can eabod. What matters to tOSU is winning the next big game.

I don't think I said any thing about Denard as in "is an indestructible winning machine." I didn't even say he was a great QB. Nor would I describe TP as "is an indestructible winning machine," or a "great QB." Both were impressive athletes and both put impressive numbers on the box scores.

Out of all of this, I think the best comment came from someone who asked, "What would Michigan have looked like without Denard?" the answer is "pathetic."
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cincibuck;2348430; said:
I don't think I said any thing about Denard as in "is an indestructible winning machine." I didn't even say he was a great QB. Nor would I describe TP as "is an indestructible winning machine," or a "great QB." Both were impressive athletes and both put impressive numbers on the box scores.

Out of all of this, I think the best comment came from someone who asked, "What would Michigan have looked like without Denard?" the answer is "pathetic."

TP was rarely injured. He won a lot. For the majority of his career, tsun was pathetic with Denard.
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cincibuck;2348430; said:
I don't think I said any thing about Denard as in "is an indestructible winning machine." I didn't even say he was a great QB. Nor would I describe TP as "is an indestructible winning machine," or a "great QB." Both were impressive athletes and both put impressive numbers on the box scores.

Out of all of this, I think the best comment came from someone who asked, "What would Michigan have looked like without Denard?" the answer is "pathetic."

One aspect of comparing the offensive numbers of Pryor and Denard is that Denard was putting up numbers for a team that needed to outscore the opposition to win (the 3-OT game against the Illini, for example), while Pryor was playing for a team that liked to get a lead and play Tresselball, which prevents the QB from rolling up big yardage numbers. I think Pryor was a much better QB than Denard was, despite the fact that the yardage numbers can be used to make a much closer comparison.
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For all the great things Denard did in a scUM uniform, how many of his mistakes, stupid TO's and the fact he could not stay on the field b/c he was hurt every 5 plays cost them games?

You can make an argument that he lost as many games as he won for scUM. I can't say the same for Pryor. He single-handedly won quite a few but struggling to come up w/ more than 2 he lost. The Purdue and PSU games come to mind. Can't think of anymore that I would clearly pin on him and his mistakes.
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mendensa;2348752; said:
For all the great things Denard did in a scUM uniform, how many of his mistakes, stupid TO's and the fact he could not stay on the field b/c he was hurt every 5 plays cost them games?

You can make an argument that he lost as many games as he won for scUM. I can't say the same for Pryor. He single-handedly won quite a few but struggling to come up w/ more than 2 he lost. The Purdue and PSU games come to mind. Can't think of anymore that I would clearly pin on him and his mistakes.

And as I remember, both of those games came when he was a Freshman.
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