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Denard "LLL" Robinson (an excellent driver)

jwinslow;2346214; said:
Beating 7 loss osu is likely his signature win, one shared by purdue (who has been a bigger obstacle for osu lately)

I really wish he didn't do that stupid, front running taunt because he is otherwise a pretty likeable guy and nothing like tate, hart, Braylon , etc.

Agreed. He was a kid who really seemed to like the college experience. So the feed me thing soiled it a bit.
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jwinslow;2346214; said:
Beating 7 loss osu is likely his signature win, one shared by purdue (who has been a bigger obstacle for osu lately)

I really wish he didn't do that stupid, front running taunt because he is otherwise a pretty likeable guy and nothing like tate, hart, Braylon , etc.

I thought his signature win(s) were the two against Notre Dame, twice beating the Irish in the final minutes of the games. Loved it.
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cincibuck;2346266; said:
I thought his signature win(s) were the two against Notre Dame, twice beating the Irish in the final minutes of the games. Loved it.
Both 5 loss teams, including home losses to South Florida, Tulsa & Navy (a beating).
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buckeyesin07;2346181; said:
It speaks volumes as to the state of the football program at Michigan in the past 25 or so years that a guy with the overall resume of Denard Robinson is so well-regarded by Michigan fans. Amateur hour, indeed.

From a Michigan fan's point of view, imagine how bad the RichRod years would have been for UM without the little greaseball.
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When he arrived, I thought he seemed like a very decent young man. TSUN QB, okay, but someone who we might have welcomed as a Buckeye.

After the pattern of big game "injuries" that took him off the field, and the low-class, eating nonsense, my opinion changed radically. Look, I realize that he was running for his life a lot back there in big games, but I just lost all respect for the guy.

In my mind, he is a very limited player who may find a bit of action in the NFL on special teams. Nothing more.
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ant80;2346269; said:
Oh yeah... the jump balls... Good for him...

Jump balls, fumble recoveries, tipped ball, defender falls down... doesn't matter as long as what he does results in beating ND. It all comes under my general rule that anything bad for Notre Dame is good for the rest of college football, especially Ohio State football.
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2-7 vs. ranked teams, his only wins both in 2011 against Nebraska and VT in the Sugar Bowl. VT was pretty much the best team he beat...and we all know their track record in BCS games.

So, beating a team with a laughable bowl record is probably his signature win...unless you count narrowly beating the worst Buckeye team in a quarter century at home.
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Steve19;2346294; said:
When he arrived, I thought he seemed like a very decent young man. TSUN QB, okay, but someone who we might have welcomed as a Buckeye.

After the pattern of big game "injuries" that took him off the field, and the low-class, eating nonsense, my opinion changed radically. Look, I realize that he was running for his life a lot back there in big games, but I just lost all respect for the guy.

In my mind, he is a very limited player who may find a bit of action in the NFL on special teams. Nothing more.

So is your opinion of Carlos Hyde changing because of the eating thing too?
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"What I did was put vasoline on,a lot of vasoline," Robinson said showing Lacy how he used to coat his arms with the petroleum jelly.

Just for the record, I'm sure than Shoelace was using 'vaseline', which is the petroleum jelly product. Vasoline is a song by the Stone Temple Pilots, but MLive and SB Nation don't seem to notice the difference.

I always thought Denard would more likely be an Astroglide guy.
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stowfan;2346274; said:
From a Michigan fan's point of view, imagine how bad the RichRod years would have been for UM without the little greaseball.

Would have to be an idiot to believe that He was a good QB, but Denard holds a special place in Michigan fans heart for making Our games watchable in the darkest years of our program. When RR was fired He held a team meeting and took the team on his back, his message stay hungry and keep fighting together as team no matter who the new coach is we have eachother and we can do this together. So that's where the eating thing comes from. Reguardless of what he did and who he did it against he is a true wolverine and I will always be greatful that he was a wolverine.(greased up or not)
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