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Denard "LLL" Robinson (an excellent driver)

HorseshoeFetish;2335995; said:
Ex-Michigan QB Denard Robinson expected to get 10 to 15 touches per game as a versatile NFL player

At first I was like..


but then I realized the potential he has...to get killed or seriously hurt and I was like..


I'm not sure what the "Denard Robinson Rule" may encompass, but the thought of there forever being one really sucks.


Check out the pic of him with that article. Sure looks like the laces of those shoes are tied?

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HorseshoeFetish;2335995; said:
Ex-Michigan QB Denard Robinson expected to get 10 to 15 touches per game as a versatile NFL player

At first I was like..


but then I realized the potential he has...to get killed or seriously hurt and I was like..


I'm not sure what the "Denard Robinson Rule" may encompass, but the thought of there forever being one really sucks.


Maybe this is part of the plan to keep him on the field: Check out the pic of him that is with that article (showing him right before he drops a pass, no doubt).


Looks like those shoe laces are tied?
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OH10;2336137; said:
Straight line speed. He'll never make it in the NFL.

No not really. Denard has plenty of agility and quickness, he just doesn't have a position. He was a four year weapon in the read option yet never developed the ability to read the option. He is a dynamic scrambler that lacks the pocket presence to scramble effectively. He is best as a runner with lead blockers except he isn't durable and can't pass protect. He might be used as a return man but lawsuits are threatening to ban those altogether
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jwinslow;2336143; said:
No not really. Denard has plenty of agility and quickness, he just doesn't have a position. He was a four year weapon in the read option yet never developed the ability to read the option. He is a dynamic scrambler that lacks the pocket presence to scramble effectively. He is best as a runner with lead blockers except he isn't durable and can't pass protect. He might be used as a return man but lawsuits are threatening to ban those altogether
:confused: huh? Can you elaborate?
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jwinslow;2336143; said:
He is a dynamic scrambler that lacks the pocket presence to scramble effectively.

Or a shred of the talent needed to make NFL defensive coordinators think he's going to do anything but run with it. I agree with you 100%. Detard is a good little runner but his limitations are so pronounced these 10-15 touches are going to be painfully (for him and his family) predictable.

That said, I still remember the front running little bitch acting the fool during the one brief moment of success he had in his scUM career vs OSU and eagerly await him getting McGuffied at the NFL level.
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But when former Michigan Wolverine Denard Robinson attempted to interview former Alabama running back Eddie Lacy, Lacy promptly took the mic and turned the tables on Denard.

Lacy - who's about to get his first taste of cold weather football as a Green Bay Packer - then asked what Robinson's method was for staying warm "up there in the snow".

"What I did was put vasoline on,a lot of vasoline," Robinson said showing Lacy how he used to coat his arms with the petroleum jelly.

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UpNorth_Buckeye;2346007; said:

Rule 1-4-7-g of the official NCAA football rule book pertains to illegal equipment and patently disallows the following:

g. Adhesive material, paint, grease or any other slippery substance applied to equipment or a player's person, clothing or attachment [
Exception: Eye shade. (Rule 1-4-6-e)].

So yeah, he was basically cheating for four years.
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