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Denard "LLL" Robinson (an excellent driver)

BIGBLUEHART;2346154; said:
Probably helped him glide 87 yards untouched, for the longest run from scrimmage that touchdown Jesus has ever witnessed from an opponent.

It speaks volumes as to the state of the football program at Michigan in the past 25 or so years that a guy with the overall resume of Denard Robinson is so well-regarded by Michigan fans. Amateur hour, indeed.
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buckeyesin07;2346181; said:
It speaks volumes as to the state of the football program at Michigan in the past 25 or so years that a guy with the overall resume of Denard Robinson is so well-regarded by Michigan fans. Amateur hour, indeed.

Yeah cause i'm raving about how great of a career Denard had. Just figured if a Domer was going to say something could have went a different route then him gliding across the field.
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BIGBLUEHART;2346186; said:
Yeah cause i'm raving about how great of a career Denard had. Just figured if a Domer was going to say something could have went a different route then him gliding across the field.

I was talking about Michigan fans in general--try rereading my post. Evidently you don't frequent mgoblog, which practically diefies Denard, and you also must have missed that ridiculous ode to Denard's college career that was making its way around the web earlier this week.
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BIGBLUEHART;2346154; said:
Probably helped him glide 87 yards untouched, for the longest run from scrimmage that touchdown Jesus has ever witnessed from an opponent.

I think he broke the interception record last year too. He was quite the athlete!
I wouldn't go bragging about any records against a 2010 defense either. That same defense gave up 35 points to Navy and 28 to Tulsa.
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NFBuck;2346204; said:
I don't know, who will ever forget him beating up on the UConns, UMass, and Bowling Greens of the world...

Beating 7 loss osu is likely his signature win, one shared by purdue (who has been a bigger obstacle for osu lately)

I really wish he didn't do that stupid, front running taunt because he is otherwise a pretty likeable guy and nothing like tate, hart, Braylon , etc.
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