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DE Vernon Gholston (Official Thread)

Colvinnl;1009584; said:
"Virginia retired his No. 91 jersey last Saturday in Charlottesville."

Sheesh! What would they do if he was in the race for the Heisman? Name the stadium after him during the season?

No kidding. I was wondering if I was reading that right. Who the hell retires and active player's jersey?
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OregonBuckeye;1009599; said:
No kidding. I was wondering if I was reading that right. Who the hell retires and active player's jersey?

Well, in a way Ohio State did.

A.J. Hawk was wearing #47 when it was retired. Granted, it wasn't really HIS jersey they were retiring, and it was L-O-N-G after the eligibility of the player in question had expired...

It's a stretch I know...

It just doesn't happen if you see yourself as a big-time program.
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DaddyBigBucks;1009618; said:
Well, in a way Ohio State did.

A.J. Hawk was wearing #47 when it was retired. Granted, it wasn't really HIS jersey they were retiring, and it was L-O-N-G after the eligibility of the player in question had expired...

It's a stretch I know...

It just doesn't happen if you see yourself as a big-time program.

Didn't the same happen with Big Kat and #45?
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DaddyBigBucks;1009593; said:
As I watched the Virginia game, it occurred to me that it would be great if kids considering OSU were there. It is instructive to note what the criteria and conditions are for the retiring of numbers at different schools. The criteria and conditions (including the amount of time that must pass before the honor is conferred) say a great deal about how the school sees themselves.

While it is easier to strike a high profile at mid-level BCS school (sorry HtM, that's how I see the Hoos); it is much easier to think of yourself as being a part of something bigger than yourself at a place like tOSU.

I'm trying to imagine a potential tOSU recruit who may have been at that game, and although I thought about it a Long time, I couldn't come up with anybody. :biggrin:
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Off topic, but since we're already there...

NICK REED - OREGON (6'2" 255 lbs JR)
Reed leads the Pac-10 in sacks (12) and tackles for loss (20?). Nationally, he ranks 6th and 4th, respectively in those categories.

Reed was a teammate of Sanchez, Williams, and Bemoll at MV and probably the least recruited out of the four.
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To clarify, UVA retired the "jerseys" of Chris Long and Tiki Barber last weekend, not their "numbers." My educated guess is that UVA created this secondary honor in part to help their efforts to have those alumni give back to their school.

From the UVA official site:

Jersey retirement is a new level of recognition at Virginia to honor players who have significantly impacted the program and Long and Barber are the first football players to be honored in this way. Individuals recognized in this way will have their jerseys retired, but their number will remain active.


Six Virginia players have had their uniform numbers retired and those numbers will not be worn again. Those numbers honor the most decorated players in the program's history, including Jim Dombrowski (73), Bill Dudley (35), Gene Edmonds (97), Shawn Moore (12), Joe Palumbo (48) and Frank Quayle (24).

ps. Vernon Gholston is great. We get to enjoy watching him for at least one more game.
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[quote='BusNative;100984;1]Big Kat got special permission from Archie to "un-retire" the number[/quote]
Actually, the number was not officially retired when Katzenmoyer wore it... it was kind of an unwritten "rule" out of respect for the 2-time Heisman winner. His number was officially retired in 1999 after Katzenmoyer left and was the first number to be retired at Ohio State.
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Hey Vern...apparently Lee Corso loves you man. He can't seem to remember you're name, but he thinks you might have some fun in the NCG!:biggrin:

Seriously though...can't wait to see big Vern on the big stage this year. Going to show off not only Big Ten speed, but Big Ten power as well...a nice combination!
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MililaniBuckeye;1009842; said:
You know, I could be wrong, but I think he wouldn't have near that amount if he were playing somewhere other than in the Pioneer League...

don't dog the Pioneer League. My Dayton Flyers won it again and played in the inagural Grid Iron Classic this past weekend.... and won. It is considered the national champoinship game for IAA Non-Scholarship teams.

Go Flyers, way to represent Ohio.
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