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DE Vernon Gholston (Official Thread)

scooter1369;999103; said:
Glenn Dorsey continues to get Heisman pub simply for playing for LSU.

Let's compare numbers, shall we?

Dorsey - 29 solo tackles, 26 assists, 11 TFL (for -48 yds) and 6 sacks

Gholston - 23 solo tackles, 11 assists, 14 TFL ( for -98 yds), 13 Sacks, 1 FR , 1 TD

Who is the Heisman candidate? We all know Gholston's numbers would be dramatically better if O-linemen didn't get away grappling him on every play. Surely Dorsey's been held a lot too, though, so that would be a wash.

To be fair Dorsey has those kind of numbers playing DT, not DE. Its apples and oranges but honestly its more impressive coming from a DT.

Lets just celebrate Vern and the chapter he just added to the history of The Game.
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Jaxbuck;999108; said:
To be fair Dorsey has those kind of numbers playing DT, not DE. Its apples and oranges but honestly its more impressive coming from a DT.

Lets just celebrate Vern and the chapter he just added to the history of The Game.

The point is, Dorsey's numbers are not so dramatic that he should be getting Heisman pub. If he were puting up DE numbers, recording forced fumbles, and fumble recoveries.

But he isn't. He's just another DT.
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I'm so proud of my boy Vern. He's been my favorite player on the team for a few years now and I'm so glad to see him stepping into the national spotlight. That picture a few posts up from mine is one of the sickest OSU/MICH pictures I think I've ever seen BTW!
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scooter1369;999114; said:
The point is, Dorsey's numbers are not so dramatic that he should be getting Heisman pub.
But Dorsey plays in the SEC, where the schedule is a grind and every team is loaded with NFL talent. If Doresy were a DT in, say, the Big 10, his numbers would be triple what they are now. :wink:

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scooter1369;999103; said:
Dorsey - 29 solo tackles, 26 assists, 11 TFL (for -48 yds) and 6 sacks

Quinn Pitcock last year had better numbers than Dorsey this year.

2006- 39 solo tackles, 20 assists, 12 tfl (for -49 yards) and 8 sacks

Edit: Then again, Dorsey does still have 3 games left so we'll see.
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From grads DFP article

At one point during Saturday's news conference, he referred to the Wolverines as "the team up north."


Thank you Vern- Going through school in the 80's and 90's I dreaded how Ohio products would lead TSUN to victory over us and then I would get abused come Monday morning. Its been so nice to have guys like CK and VG to show us what it is like on the other side of the fence! Go Bucks!
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Gholston played lights out on Saturday and that's all that really matters, but for Christ's sake, can we get him some PR/public speaking classes. I just about had to change the channel during the presser with JL because every other word out of his mouth for "You know." :)

That being said, I think this is a perfect reason for him to stay for another year. With the talent this team returns, he'll be getting plenty more mic time next year!
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Jaxbuck;999108; said:
To be fair Dorsey has those kind of numbers playing DT, not DE. Its apples and oranges but honestly its more impressive coming from a DT.

Lets just celebrate Vern and the chapter he just added to the history of The Game.

Not to mention that Dorsey plays in the SEC and we all know they are better. :roll1:

Edit: Damn, I see Dryden already touched on this sarcasm. :oh:
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I think Vern just assured us that he is going Pro in the 2008 Draft and will go top 15-20. I can see it now when he is selected, the highlight film of him will be capped off by showing him blow by Jake Long to sack Henne. :biggrin: Vern is just a stud, he secured a legacy in the Scarlet and Grey Nation by this performance against scUM, not that he was lacking before, but that was an all-time great performance on Saturday, that will go down in Buckeye history and will be talked about for years to come. :bow:
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I simply cannot see any other DE getting picked before him in the NFL draft. He simply annihilated a good Michigan OL all day long. I hate to say it, but we just saw Big Vern play his last regular season game...
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Gholston having a monster season
By Mel Kiper

Ohio State junior DE Vernon Gholston was nothing short of sensational in the Buckeyes 14-3 win over the Wolverines. Michigan was simply unable to keep him out of the backfield for any extended period of time (finished with four tackles for loss -- three of which were sacks).

Although most of his damage was done away from LT Jake Long, the senior found out first hand just how difficult it can be to try and keep No. 50 away from the quarterback, as he was beaten to the outside and surrendered a sack. Gholston brought both outside and inside pressure, displaying very impressive power and closing speed.

Of the top prospects at the position for the 2009 Draft, he has clearly proven to be the best of the bunch when it comes to generating heat on the quarterback. Case in point: The trio of Florida's Derrick Harvey (6.5 sacks), Miami (Fla)'s Calais Campbell (six sacks) and LSU's Tyson Jackson (2.5 sacks) have combined for 15 sacks. Gholston has 13!

ESPN - Kiper: Gholston having monster season - College Football
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