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DE Vernon Gholston (Official Thread)

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OSU notebook: Gholston on cusp of lead in sack race

Saturday, November 17, 2007 8:41 PM
By Tim May and Ken Gordon


Vernon Gholston was so dominant yesterday that he recorded a sack almost by accident.
The Ohio State defensive end came roaring in on Michigan quarterback Chad Henne midway through the fourth quarter. Gholston just ran right through Henne, never raising his arms from his sides as Gholston chest-bumped him to the ground.
"A lot of times, you get back there and the quarterback is just about to release the ball, so you're usually pulling (back)," Gholston said. "This time, he still had the ball, so I just ended up with a chest bump instead of a big hit."
It was Gholston's third sack, out of the four Ohio State logged.

The three sacks gave Gholston 13 for the season, which ties a school record set by Mike Vrabel in 1995.
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Gholston is gold vs. Michigan
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Repository sports writer

ANN ARBOR, MICH. Ohio State defensive end Vernon Gholston walked into the media room, muscles bulging, veins popping. His head coach was just about to talk about him.

?Vernon Gholston is a special guy,? Jim Tressel said. ?This was an important game for him, coming back home here to play. I?m sure (Chad) Henne will see Vernon in his sleep.?

Gholston gives plenty of quarterbacks nightmares. Henne is just the latest. The Detroit native had a homecoming to remember Saturday afternoon, totaling three sacks during the Buckeyes? 14-3 mugging of the Wolverines at Michigan Stadium.

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Gholston leads dandy defense
David S. Glasier, [email protected]

Big sack in fourth quarter highlights day for OSU defense

ANN ARBOR, Mich. - Ohio State defensive end Vernon Gholston authored the defining moment of Saturday's 14-3 victory over Michigan.
Midway through the fourth quarter, Gholston shot past an overmatched blocker. Five yards of empty space was all that separated the 6-foot-4, 264-pound junior from nearby Detroit and Michigan quarterback Chad Henne.

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[quote='BusNative;99827;7]This sack cracked me up - it was like a big kid playing down an age group who was too embarrassed to put on a full hit. Just pushed Henne over.[/quote]

Yeah! Like take it easy on Pee Wee there Vern he gets hurt easy.:biggrin:
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OHIO STATE: Detroit Cass Tech grad scorches U-M; Tressel: 'Henne will see Vernon in his sleep'

November 18, 2007
With the field emptying and Carmen Ohio complete after Ohio State?s 14-3 triumph, defensive end Vernon Gholston made his way toward the Michigan Stadium tunnel late Saturday afternoon.
Clad in a Michigan sweatshirt, Thomas Wilcher spotted him, moved into position, and became the Wolverine all day to stop Gholston in his tracks.


He hugged him, of course.

Wilcher lettered in football and track at Michigan during the 1980s. But he also coached Gholston at Detroit Cass Tech.

?I told Vernon to have a great game,? Wilcher said, ?but to take it easy on us.?

Sorry, Coach.


?Scarlet and gray, that?s in my blood,? he said. ?Beating Michigan is what we?re all about.?
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NCAA has Big Vern with 13 sacks this year! :bow:
(Mike Cardew/Akron Beacon Journal/MCT)
Ohio State's Vernon Gholston sacks Michigan quarterback Chad Henne in the fourth quarter. The Buckeyes defeated the Wolverines 14-3, at Michigan Stadium.
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Glenn Dorsey continues to get Heisman pub simply for playing for LSU.

Let's compare numbers, shall we?

Dorsey - 29 solo tackles, 26 assists, 11 TFL (for -48 yds) and 6 sacks

Gholston - 23 solo tackles, 11 assists, 14 TFL ( for -98 yds), 13 Sacks, 1 FR , 1 TD

Who is the Heisman candidate? We all know Gholston's numbers would be dramatically better if O-linemen didn't get away grappling him on every play. Surely Dorsey's been held a lot too, though, so that would be a wash.
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