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DE Vernon Gholston (Official Thread)

Dryden;998148; said:
Vernon beat up Jake Long and took his lunch money today -- and by lunch money, I mean 1st round signing bonus.
Totally agree. I cannot believe that Jake Long is the #1 LT in the country. Not only did Gholston beat him a couple times today but on one of VG's sacks, Heyward just bull rushed him. Anyhow, Vernon was just a beast today. Strength and speed amazing.
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buckeyes_rock;998154; said:
Yeah like when Vern didn't even bother driving him into the ground (after all Vern has a heart:biggrin:). He just lowered his shoulder and lowered the boom and Henne went flying. That had to leave a mark!

Yeah! Like a big bulls eye! That dude is all muscle & hits like there is no tomorrow! I need to borrow him to scare my ex! :biggrin:
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