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DE Vernon Gholston (Official Thread)

Gholston ties sacks record
Sunday, November 4, 2007 4:00 AM
By Tim May

Ohio State defensive end Vernon Gholston has a new nickname.

It's not "Sack Machine," though that moniker would fit after he tied a school record with four sacks yesterday as the Buckeyes collected 10 in a 38-17 win over Wisconsin.

Rather, defensive tackle Doug Worthington dubbed Gholston "The Animal," which is not to be confused with linebacker James Laurinaitis, whose father was known as Animal during his days in professional wrestling.

"The thing about Vernon, he is an animal," said Worthington, who also had one sack. "He is a great player, great guy and a great leader as well. He worked very hard this week. At Penn State, he got on us at times ? and the Sunday after the Penn State game, he was focused on watching extra film. He just wanted to have a good game (against Wisconsin), and he did."

BuckeyeXtra - Gholston ties sacks record

OSU defensive end Gholston impresses
By Kyle Nagel
Staff Writer

Sunday, November 04, 2007

COLUMBUS — It was well-discussed this week around the Ohio State football team that three Buckeyes defenders had been named by Sports Illustrated as potential top-20 picks in the 2008 NFL Draft. One of them is Vernon Gholston, the junior defensive end.

One wonders what SI thinks now.

OSU defensive end Gholston impresses
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BuckeyeBreeder;982678; said:
The BTN annoouncers stated that Vernon squats over 400 pounds......and does 20 or so reps.............wow.

...originally posted in this thread on October 25th.

osugrad21;970572; said:
Thursday, October 25, 2007 5:20 AM
By Ken Gordon


Vernon Gholston is both the calm and the storm. He is the strong, silent type. The Ohio State defensive end is legendary for once squatting 455 pounds 20 times. ...
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while in the shoe, i keyed in on gholston many times. how could i not? anyway, i've never seen a player get repeatedly owned like #68. gholston treated him like a puppet the whole game. if i were #68, i would turn in my balls.
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He's now tied for 5th in the country in sacks...

1. (tie) George Selvie, South Fla. ... 13.5
1. (tie) Greg Middleton, Indiana ..... 13.5
2. Maurice Evans, Penn St. ........... 12.5
3. Chris Long, Virginia .............. 12
4. Nick Reed, Oregon ................. 11
5. (tie) Vernon Gholston, Ohio St. ... 10
5. (tie) Jonal Saint-Dic, Michigan St. 10
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OSU_Buckguy;982805; said:
while in the shoe, i keyed in on gholston many times. how could i not? anyway, i've never seen a player get repeatedly owned like #68. gholston treated him like a puppet the whole game. if i were #68, i would turn in my balls.

I remember seeing #68 getting pushed back into the QB a few times by this FREAK:biggrin:
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MililaniBuckeye;982822; said:
He's now tied for 5th in the country in sacks...

1. (tie) George Selvie, South Fla. ... 13.5
1. (tie) Greg Middleton, Indiana ..... 13.5
2. Maurice Evans, Penn St. ........... 12.5
3. Chris Long, Virginia .............. 12
4. Nick Reed, Oregon ................. 11
5. (tie) Vernon Gholston, Ohio St. ... 10
5. (tie) Jonal Saint-Dic, Michigan St. 10


He was an absolute beast yesterday!
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speaking of our Dline pushing people back --- on a couple of wisky punts, I noticed our players pushing Wisconsin blockers back to the punter --- if a DL pushes an Olineman into the punter, is that roughing?? (assuming that the punt does not get blocked). I mean, a couple of times, we were close to just collapsing the whole pocket on their punting plays.

Not to mention the failed fake that Biotch Bielema whined about it being called off.....

With opponents taking cheap shots at his ACL, Gholston would probably be nuts to stay another year. One more NFL first rounder for OSU!

Go Bucks!
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UpNorthBuckeye;982942; said:
speaking of our Dline pushing people back --- on a couple of wisky punts, I noticed our players pushing Wisconsin blockers back to the punter --- if a DL pushes an Olineman into the punter, is that roughing?? (assuming that the punt does not get blocked).

No, that is a legal play. Same as if, on a punt, the a punting team player pushes a recieving team player back into the punt returner.

Gholston was something special yesterday. I have thought for a long time that he will just get it and dominate a game, and thats what he did, all game long.
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Gholston leading OSU's sack brigade

COLUMBUS - If he's done seeing stars and counting welts, Wisconsin quarterback Tyler Donovan might want to take a moment to let this sink in: Buckeyes defensive end Vernon Gholston was kicked off his high school team for not being tough enough.
In Ohio State's 38-17 win over Wisconsin last Saturday, Gholston set school single-game records with four sacks totaling 32 yards in losses. But the 6-foot-4, 260-pound Gholston denied being in a zone.
"If I was in a zone, I'd be making a sack on every play," Gholston said. "For the most part, I'm just doing my job - rushing the passer and beating the guy in front of me."

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[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]5. Vernon Gholston, DE, Ohio State, 6-4, 258, 4.67, Jr. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica][/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica] A former linebacker, Gholston has quickly developed into one of the elite defensive line prospects in the country. Last season, his first as a full-time starter, Gholston earned second-team Big Ten honors for posting 49 tackles, 15 tackles for loss and 8.5 sacks. With offensive lines often dedicating an extra blocker toward slowing him, Gholston hasn't been as productive as a sackmaster in 2007, but has developed into a more reliable run defender.[/FONT]

CBS Sportsline Underclassmen
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