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DE Melvin Fellows (official thread)

What ive noticed (and i posted this on bucknuts) is that all of the reports about Fellows' wavering on his commitment were from OSU sites like rivals and bucknuts.

But then he gives that interview to a ND site and says its strong. It would have been one thing for him to say he was strong to the Illini in an interview with an Illinois site because he might feel some sort of obligation to say so but not with a ND site.

Maybe he's just tellling the OSU sites what they want to hear. But who really knows outside of Melvin.

I still believe that his coach's 30ish year friendship with Zook will be an underlying factor.
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lopo89;1102046; said:
What ive noticed (and i posted this on bucknuts) is that all of the reports about Fellows' wavering on his commitment were from OSU sites like rivals and bucknuts.

But then he gives that interview to a ND site and says its strong. It would have been one thing for him to say he was strong to the Illini in an interview with an Illinois site because he might feel some sort of obligation to say so.

Maybe he's just tellling the OSU sites what they want to hear. But who really knows outside of Melvin.

...or those are the people he feels comfortable saying that to...

Either side of that coin can be valid for a given fanbase.
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lopo89;1102046; said:
What ive noticed (and i posted this on bucknuts) is that all of the reports about Fellows' wavering on his commitment were from OSU sites like rivals and bucknuts.

But then he gives that interview to a ND site and says its strong. It would have been one thing for him to say he was strong to the Illini in an interview with an Illinois site because he might feel some sort of obligation to say so but not with a ND site.

Maybe he's just tellling the OSU sites what they want to hear. But who really knows outside of Melvin.

Does it really matter right now? If Illinois is confident that he'll sign on the dotted line come next February, then who cares what a couple of Ohio State sites say in their articles?
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OH10;1102061; said:
Does it really matter right now? If Illinois is confident that he'll sign on the dotted line come next February, then who cares what a couple of Ohio State sites say in their articles?
I suppose all that really matters is what he's telling the tOSU staff. That will determine how hard we continue to push for him.
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OH10;1102061; said:
Does it really matter right now? If Illinois is confident that he'll sign on the dotted line come next February, then who cares what a couple of Ohio State sites say in their articles?

Fellows is coming to Illinois as a January enrollee.
So, no he will not sign anywhere come next February.
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OWUBuckeye51;1102758; said:
I wonder what Fellows sees @ UofI that he doesn't @ OSU? Is it the relationship with Zooker? Is is the fact that UofI is an up and comer? Is it depth?

Then again, maybe he just has that "feel" for UofI that he doesn't have for tOSU...

tOSU was his dream school, could still be. As Wad said there are a lot of differing opinions, but there is no shortage of credible people MORE than optimistic about our chances. He might still be Illinois all the way but anyone who says it is a done deal does not have all of the information.
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OWUBuckeye51;1102758; said:
I wonder what Fellows sees @ UofI that he doesn't @ OSU? Is it the relationship with Zooker? Is is the fact that UofI is an up and comer? Is it depth?

Then again, maybe he just has that "feel" for UofI that he doesn't have for tOSU...
I have no idea what any recruit sees in any school, but Illinois is actually a pretty good school with some great academic programs.

tOSU is a good school with good programs as well, but other than the fact that I always want the best kids to stay at tOSU, I have no problems with kids feeling that they see good options at most of the B10 schools.
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matcar;1102787; said:
I have no idea what any recruit sees in any school, but Illinois is actually a pretty good school with some great academic programs.

tOSU is a good school with good programs as well, but other than the fact that I always want the best kids to stay at tOSU, I have no problems with kids feeling that they see good options at most of the B10 schools.
That just caught my eye:(... back to Fellows
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MililaniBuckeye;1102897; said:
We'll keep this post marked for future reference...

:lol: is there a "told you so" banana?

I actually have no problems with your confidence Illinibat... this one will eventually be sorted out. Besides, if Fellows doesn't work out, Zooker has another 3,523 outstanding offers to fall back on. :wink:
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