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DE Melvin Fellows (official thread)

Rivals $


From the ND site...talks about the offer from ND and how the staff has told him they only recruit "national" kids. Says he is still solid to Illinois and likes that the staff does not pressure him.
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osubuckeyes2731;1109623; said:
This really bites that we didn't get in on Fellows earlier...

Hopefully he eventually finds out that his heart is at OSU.

Yea it's a little tough to swallow knowing that if we offered and got the visit before Illinois, he'd likely be part of our committ list right now
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osubuckeyes2731;1109623; said:
This really bites that we didn't get in on Fellows earlier...

Hopefully he eventually finds out that his heart is at OSU.

The staff offered him around Christmas of his junior year...how much earlier did you want them to "get in" on him? Chris Wells didn't get an offer much earlier than that...
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wadc45;1109344; said:
Rivals $


From the ND site...talks about the offer from ND and how the staff has told him they only recruit "national" kids. Says he is still solid to Illinois and likes that the staff does not pressure him.

That article is a prime example why many really don't like ND at all. Claiming Illinois and OSU only recruit "Midwest" kids, and ND recruits "national" kids?! Are you kidding? We consistently pull around 10 kids from outside the Midwest, mostly in DC, Florida, NC. And OSU, you guys take a lot of in-state guys that are really good and also pull them from Florida, DC, Texas, etc...

Anyways, I think Fellows sticks with his commitment and enrolls early at Illinois, JMO.
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I am sure all of those "national" recruits felt really special after their 3-win juggernaut season last year. I guess blowing some 'special national player" smoke up some 16 yr olds rear end is preferable to telling it like it really is. If ND had to build the foundation of their program on in-state recruits it would take a genius at the helm to be a one win powerhouse each year. The elitism from that walk-on water program really irks me..
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wadc45;1109690; said:
The staff offered him around Christmas of his junior year...how much earlier did you want them to "get in" on him? Chris Wells didn't get an offer much earlier than that...

I wasn't saying I was angry at the staff or anything. You can't blame them for taking their time to evaluate a prospect because an offer is a big step. Just dissappointed that Illinois beat us to the punch..sorry.
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Trojans knocking on Fellows? door?
By Jeremy Crabtree, Recruiting Editor

Fellows has said several times this spring he?ll look at Michigan, Notre Dame and Ohio State. But it looks like it?s time to add another school to that list.

?I?m supposed to talk to Pete Carroll from USC tomorrow,? said Fellows, is ranked as the No. 163 player in the nation by Rivals.com.

?I think he might offer me. If he does, that?s going to give me something else to really consider.?

With offers from all the mentioned teams, plus from West Virginia, Marshall, Louisville and others, the pressure cooker remains hot on him. He said he remains committed to Eric Wolford and the Illini, but with the other national programs knocking on his door, he owes it to himself to make sure he?s made the right decision.

?I?m still solid,? he said. ?That?s what I like about Illinois. They don?t pressure me about anything. We already have a relationship so if I go visit another school they don?t get mad.?

Trojans knocking on Fellows' door? - Yahoo! Sports
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That actually sounds like a pretty committed player to me. Yeah, he'll take some looks, but he sounds happy will Illinois.

I'm sure the staff will keep on him, but I'm beginning to think, like others, that he sticks with the Illi commit.
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Scout $


By The Bank...more of the usual...committed to Illinois but is looking at OSU and USC and talks about what he likes about OSU and how he likes that Illinois is not pressuring him to not take visits. Says his five officials could be to USC, Michigan, Notre Dame, Ohio State and Illinois.

Wash, rinse, repeat...wash, rinse, repeat...
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