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Columbus Blue Jackets (Official Thread)

strohs;2169965; said:
Definitely seems steep, but i'll take anyone other than Mason in goal...

Yeah.. maybe them bringing in someone else will get Mason to play like he's capable more often. I'm not optimistic about that, but if he does do that, he's better than Bobrovsky.

That being said, goodbye Mason as a starter. He's lost it. I do not expect him to return to form.

The Jackets only had Mason and York under contract for next season if I'm not mistaken.

Ryan Murray should be able to step right into the lineup next season. He'll be a very nice addition and give the Jackets some flexibility to make some moves on defense..
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Re: Islanders, Blue Jackets narrowly avoid worst trade of all-time at NHL draft


Interesting story: however, I wonder what the real facts are.
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ScriptOhio;2171400; said:

Re: Islanders, Blue Jackets narrowly avoid worst trade of all-time at NHL draft


Interesting story: however, I wonder what the real facts are.

When I'm reading, all I'm thinking to myself is who is this the worst trade of all time for? My guess would be the Blue Jackets... Honestly, who wants 4,503 picks in one draft? Sure they could use the picks to get some trades made, but not only no.... Hell no.
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ScriptOhio;2171400; said:

Re: Islanders, Blue Jackets narrowly avoid worst trade of all-time at NHL draft


Interesting story: however, I wonder what the real facts are.

TooTallMenardo;2171639; said:
When I'm reading, all I'm thinking to myself is who is this the worst trade of all time for? My guess would be the Blue Jackets... Honestly, who wants 4,503 picks in one draft? Sure they could use the picks to get some trades made, but not only no.... Hell no.

This was a 4 player draft and the CBJ got one of the four. There really isn't much more to say than that.
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BuckeyeMike80;2171697; said:
This was a 4 player draft and the CBJ got one of the four. There really isn't much more to say than that.

What's even more sad, is I had no idea the draft already happened.... Thanks to ESPN, if you go to their page and search NHL Draft (since there is no evidence of a draft on their NHL page), it will show a link of the 2012 NHL Draft page.... Which links conveniently to the 2011 Draft.... :smash:
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People have been making fun of both teams for that trade offer. "WHY WOULDN'T THE JACKETS MAKE THAT TRADE? LOLOLOL" "WHY WOULD THE ISLANDERS OFFER THAT FOR ONE PLAYER?!?!?!"

The Jackets picked a guy that another poor team was willing to give up their entire draft for. That should say enough about his talent. The Jackets got an NHL-ready, offensive d-man with low bust potential. He was the #1 d-man in the draft. #1 d-man potential. I'm glad they didn't trade him for a first round pick, a second round pick who might make the NHL, and a bunch of players who have a below 50% chance of making it to the NHL.

After the first round, the NHL draft is very unpredictable when it comes to who is going to be good enough to make it. The late round picks hold very little value.
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3074326;2171762; said:
People have been making fun of both teams for that trade offer. "WHY WOULDN'T THE JACKETS MAKE THAT TRADE? LOLOLOL" "WHY WOULD THE ISLANDERS OFFER THAT FOR ONE PLAYER?!?!?!"

The Jackets picked a guy that another poor team was willing to give up their entire draft for. That should say enough about his talent. The Jackets got an NHL-ready, offensive d-man with low bust potential. He was the #1 d-man in the draft. #1 d-man potential. I'm glad they didn't trade him for a first round pick, a second round pick who might make the NHL, and a bunch of players who have a below 50% chance of making it to the NHL.

After the first round, the NHL draft is very unpredictable when it comes to who is going to be good enough to make it. The late round picks hold very little value.

These were my thoughts when reading that article.
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LitlBuck;2172618; said:
Whatever happened to that John Davidson rumor... Priest or did I just answer my own question:huh:

Read in puck rakers blog (Portzline Columbus Dispatch) that Davidson is probably headed back to the broadcast booth. He would be a great choice to come in and help right the ship, but with Howson, Priest, Patrick someone would have to go. Junior McConnell is obviously pretty content with how things are going with regard to the CBJ. That is, he is content to have the shittiest team in the NHL.
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Report: Flyers, Jackets discussing possible Nash deal

CSNPhilly.com's Tim Panaccio reported Saturday that the Flyers are in serious discussions with the Columbus Blue Jackets to acquire Nash's services.

According to Panaccio, Columbus general manager Scott Howson is seeking forwards Brayden Schenn and Sean Couturier -- or one of them with several other players. Philadelphia just acquired defenseman Luke Schenn -- Brayden's older brother -- last week.

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Blue Jackets deal Methot to Ottawa for Foligno

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- So bad were the last-place Columbus Blue Jackets last season that fans demanded change.
Now they're getting it.
The club dealt one of its top defenseman, Marc Methot, to the Ottawa Senators on Sunday for restricted free agent winger Nick Foligno. The move underscores general manager Scott Howson's belief that he has fortified the defense through the acquisition of blue-liner Jack Johnson and goaltender Sergei Bobrovsky and now must add some scoring.
On the first day for free agent signings, the club also locked up another goaltender with NHL experience in Curtis McElhinney, who will add depth in net with either the Blue Jackets or elsewhere in the organization. Columbus traded for McElhinney a year ago but he did not play due to an injury.

Entire article: http://sports.yahoo.com/news/blue-j...RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANuaGwEcHQDc2VjdGlvbnM-;_ylv=3
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