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Columbus Blue Jackets (Official Thread)

Of course it's Edmonton. Oilers don't even need Nail Yakupov, so they might not even end up taking him although crazier things have happened. Columbus would definitely love to get Ryan Murray.
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First. Second. What the hell difference does it make. They're going to eff it up either way. At least this no-talent fuckstick will be making a little bit less cash.
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Bucky Katt;2139366; said:
First. Second. What the hell difference does it make. They're going to eff it up either way. At least this no-talent [censored]stick will be making a little bit less cash.

Death, taxes, and the Blue Jackets suck.

They should henceforth go by the shortened term, "BJs."
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BuckeyeMike80;2138463; said:
It is rigged, but Bettman is a francophile. If Toronto or Edmonton get it again I wouldn't be shocked at all.

Boom goes the dynamite...

BTW expect the Wings to be here in the next 3-5 years. I think the bottom is about to fall out for them.

The CBJ need to keep Nash, JJ and build something around those two.
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It was written in the stars Edmonton would get it's third consecutive #1 overall pick. The Canadian stars that is.
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I'm a huge hockey fan, but don't know the ins and outs of the system, but everything I've read about the lottery seems to carry the same message.

It's rigged. It hasn't seemed to come as any surprise to those who know the game that a Canadian team "won" the lottery last night.
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ysubuck;2139959; said:
I'm a huge hockey fan, but don't know the ins and outs of the system, but everything I've read about the lottery seems to carry the same message.

It's rigged. It hasn't seemed to come as any surprise to those who know the game that a Canadian team "won" the lottery last night.

Also got 3 of the top 5 pics.
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If it weren't for bad luck, they'd have no luck at all....

The Blue Jackets have taken part in 12 draft lotteries. [Tuesday] marked the sixth time they've dropped in the pecking order. They've held steady in four others, but have never improved their draft placement through the lottery. ... In 2005, after the NHL lockout, the Jackets and three other clubs had equal chances to win the Sidney Crosby sweepstakes, but Columbus ended up picking No. 6.

Read more: http://www.bluejacketsxtra.com/content/blogs/puck-rakers/2012/04/cbj-fall-to-no.-2.html

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPL7nN99jno"]Gloom, Despair and Agony on Me - YouTube[/ame]
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ScriptOhio;2140209; said:
The Blue Jackets have taken part in 12 draft lotteries. [Tuesday] marked the sixth time they've dropped in the pecking order. They've held steady in four others, but have never improved their draft placement through the lottery. ... In 2005, after the NHL lockout, the Jackets and three other clubs had equal chances to win the Sidney Crosby sweepstakes, but Columbus ended up picking No. 6.

Read more: http://www.bluejacketsxtra.com/content/blogs/puck-rakers/2012/04/cbj-fall-to-no.-2.html

Gloom, Despair and Agony on Me - YouTube

Not a coincidence in my, IMO
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