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Columbus Blue Jackets (Official Thread)

There's no rhyme or reason to the conspiracy theories. If it were rigged Edmonton would not have been the team to win the lottery. And New Jersey wouldn't have been the team to win it last year. The Islanders especially wouldn't have won it four years ago.

What was the reasoning behind Pittsburgh winning? Mario wasn't letting that team leave Pittsburgh.

The truth about the lottery is that it's just a bullshit game of chance.
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I just got back from a cruise that visited several cities in Quebec providence, including the city of Quebec. When the topic of hockey came up I mentioned that Columbus has the Blue Jackets. Several people there told me that the Blue Jackets are losing money in Columbus and will be moving to Quebec. I mentioned that the team got a new arena deal and should be in Columbus (at least) through 2039 (http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2012/03/29/arena-deal-closes.html). I don't think they really believed me; they desperately want another NHL team up there.
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3074326;2141303; said:
There's no rhyme or reason to the conspiracy theories. If it were rigged Edmonton would not have been the team to win the lottery. And New Jersey wouldn't have been the team to win it last year. The Islanders especially wouldn't have won it four years ago.

What was the reasoning behind Pittsburgh winning? Mario wasn't letting that team leave Pittsburgh.

The truth about the lottery is that it's just a bullshit game of chance.

ummm Numby Edmonton has now won it three years in a row.

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I just think it's hilarious that every season this whole conspiracy thing comes up. The NHL would benefit from Columbus winning and getting Yakupov. This is a good sports market. Consistently good hockey ratings. They're having the All-Star game here..

btw, http://www.tsn.ca/draftcentre/feature/?id=18342

Picking first =/= winning the lottery. It usually means that.. but NJ won the lottery when they drafted Larsson. Teams just can't move up more than four spots. Why would the NHL benefit from a team winning the lottery without even being able to pick first? Toronto being good would be great for the NHL, yet they didn't win this year. Or Montreal. The Jackets not winning was bad luck.
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In light of the recent SI article on Russian players is anyone (CBJ fans I mean) a bit queasy at the thought of possibly bringing in another Russian with this years top pick?

Whether it's Yakupov or Grigorenko I'm not sure this fan base can withstand another flighty Russian player.

I'm leaning more toward Ryan Murray as the pick with each passing day. Try and get some scoring and goal tending for Nash on draft day.
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3074326;2154647; said:
I just think it's hilarious that every season this whole conspiracy thing comes up. The NHL would benefit from Columbus winning and getting Yakupov. This is a good sports market. Consistently good hockey ratings. They're having the All-Star game here..

btw, http://www.tsn.ca/draftcentre/feature/?id=18342

Picking first =/= winning the lottery. It usually means that.. but NJ won the lottery when they drafted Larsson. Teams just can't move up more than four spots. Why would the NHL benefit from a team winning the lottery without even being able to pick first? Toronto being good would be great for the NHL, yet they didn't win this year. Or Montreal. The Jackets not winning was bad luck.

Toronto being bad creates controversy (which creates interest and money) and look, unlike a lot of other arenas (with good and bad teams) they still sell out every night.

Edmonton, OTOH, needs to be good to attract crowds and generate the type of interest needed to avoid becoming the next Winnipeg in the early 90s....

It's ok to admit that it's rigged, because it is, just like the NBA's lottery is rigged. And where did Buttman come from? That's right, the NBA.
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ysubuck;2154686; said:
In light of the recent SI article on Russian players is anyone (CBJ fans I mean) a bit queasy at the thought of possibly bringing in another Russian with this years top pick?

Whether it's Yakupov or Grigorenko I'm not sure this fan base can withstand another flighty Russian player.

I'm leaning more toward Ryan Murray as the pick with each passing day. Try and get some scoring and goal tending for Nash on draft day.

I think they can fix the goal tending without spending a high draft pick on it, in fact, given the performance of the high draft picks at goalie, maybe drafting a guy lower so he has to work harder at it would be the thing to do. There aren't any Patrick Roy's or Mike Vernon's coming up anytime soon anyway.

They need to solidify their top 6 before they do anything else. Defensively they aren't completely inept if they have a decent goalie playing behind them, but offensively they have no rhythm or talent.
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So this seems like promising news:


The Blue Jackets might be on the verge of landing a highly respected NHL executive to lead their hockey-operations department.
John Davidson, who has served as president of hockey operations for the St. Louis Blues since 2006, was in Columbus last week to interview with the Jackets? hierarchy, including majority owner John P. McConnell and President Mike Priest, NHL sources told The Dispatch yesterday.
Both McConnell and Priest declined to comment yesterday, although McConnell reiterated through a spokesman that he will continue to ?pursue every opportunity to improve as a hockey club.?

It's pretty obvious the accountant Mike Priest isn't going anywhere, but pairing him with an actual hockey guy into the front office would help a lot.
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BayBuck;2163872; said:
So this seems like promising news:


It's pretty obvious the accountant Mike Priest isn't going anywhere, but pairing him with an actual hockey guy into the front office would help a lot.
I don't see why Davidson would come here unless he is given full control of hockey operations plus some other control. In other words, I don't think he will come here because Priest probably would be unwilling to give up some of his control.
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