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Columbus Blue Jackets (Official Thread)

I'm more concerned with the goaltending situation.

Howson has brought in Bobrovsky to "challenge" Mason.

I believe Bobrovsky was the only other NHL goalkeeper that was statistically close to Mason's horrible numbers last season.

We CBJ fans now have the two worst goalies in the NHL to cheer for.

Thanks Howson.
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darbypitcher22;2173892; said:
Will anybody miss him?

Methot? He was alright. Seemed like a good dude. Pretty replaceable as a player, especially at his salary and where he was slotted to go in the defense.

If you're referring to Nash..... yes. I don't think the people who want him gone realize how big of a piece he is for the offense. He's the only finisher.
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3074326;2173939; said:
Methot? He was alright. Seemed like a good dude. Pretty replaceable as a player, especially at his salary and where he was slotted to go in the defense.

If you're referring to Nash..... yes. I don't think the people who want him gone realize how big of a piece he is for the offense. He's the only finisher.

Which is why they should trade him to Detroit for Franzen, Sammy/Cleary and a prospect :evil:
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If he goes to Detroit then Howson won't be able to leave his house.

Think about how insufferable Wings fans are right now during CBJ home games. Now put Wings Nash jerseys on 25% of them and have him scoring on a helpless Steve Mason?

Good Lord, could it get any worse?
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Two 40-point centers, a d-man who has played 2 career NHL games, and a first round pick from a team that will be in the playoffs.

Color me unimpressed.
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Looks like this team will be even worse than I previously thought this year. Hopefully we get a new young core that can turn things around in the future...but for now, this team is lost unless a lot of unproven young players turn into all-stars overnight.
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We are probably the youngest team in the NHL by far after this trade. We've got a lot of talented young guys but we aren't going to win a game unless some of them step up. I was hoping we'd get at least an all-star in return for Nash, but guess not. We just need someone who can turn this talent into gold. Might be going to #1 pick again next year the way everything is looking.
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OSUScoonie12;2183565; said:
We are probably the youngest team in the NHL by far after this trade. We've got a lot of talented young guys but we aren't going to win a game unless some of them step up. I was hoping we'd get at least an all-star in return for Nash, but guess not. We just need someone who can turn this talent into gold. Might be going to #2 pick again next year the way everything is looking.

FIFY, Canadian teams always win the lottery.
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Well at least I know one team in the central that will be worse than Nashville....Howson should have taken Detroit's offer. Franzen and a 1st alone is better than what they got from the NYR, Franzen + Filipula + Nyquist + 1st round pick is in another galaxy entirely from what he got here. And that doesn't even cover what some of the other teams were offering.

Sad to see Nasher go, he was fun to watch at times.
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