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Cleveland Indians (2019 Thread of Indifference)

Aaron Goldhammer suggested Carrasco become the closer. I like that idea. You want your closer throwing 97 at the knees.

Cookie has never been a closer at any level. We don't even know if he can pitch two days in a row yet. The Indians are committed to him long term for what, to them, is big dollars. Only way he even gets to audition as a closer is if Hand goes on the IL and they are still in contention. Maybe.
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Cookie has never been a closer at any level. We don't even know if he can pitch two days in a row yet. The Indians are committed to him long term for what, to them, is big dollars. Only way he even gets to audition as a closer is if Hand goes on the IL and they are still in contention. Maybe.
Hey, he pitched in the 8 and 9th in a lot of losses in 2014!

(And pitched pretty well actually)

Still shitty
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all the experts were blaming Hand Last night when he did not cover first base when actually Santana when the guy who should have thrown home rather than go for the double play

anyhow, it should have never have gotten that far but Hand and his friend Cimber need to go back to San Diego

If Cookie is healthy enough let him assume the closer role. His stuff is just filthy
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without Jose they might as well hang it up until next season and see what that may bring. He might not have the stats that Lindor has but I think he is more of the heart and soul of this team

If a key Buckeye player gets injured-and at least 1 does EVERY season-do you say the team should just wait for next year? Or do you say “Next man up!” and, maybe, root for the No. 3 Qb to win the championship?

Certainly the Indians are better on paper with a healthy Jose. But, maybe the team can actually play better without him now if everyone else plays just a little bit harder.

Or, put another way:

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In not-so-shocking news, a minority owner of the Indians, Sherman, is now leading a group to possibly buy the Royals. So not only did Dolan sell part of the team a couple years ago with the justification of being able to spend more with a new owner sharing the cost yet have only a small payroll increase as a result, but turns out he sold to a guy who wants to be a direct competitor. Pathetic.
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In not-so-shocking news, a minority owner of the Indians, Sherman, is now leading a group to possibly buy the Royals. So not only did Dolan sell part of the team a couple years ago with the justification of being able to spend more with a new owner sharing the cost yet have only a small payroll increase as a result, but turns out he sold to a guy who wants to be a direct competitor. Pathetic.

But won’t Sherman have to find someone to buy his part of the Tribe before he could conclude a Royals deal? Maybe that buyer-let’s call him Mr. Peabody-can also buy out Dolan! Think of the fun if the Indians had a WayBack Machine!

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8/27/2019 4:06 PM PT




Justin Bieber has Bieber fever -- Shane Bieber fever, that is.

The most unlikely long-distance friendship is blossoming between the "I Don't Care" singer and the Cleveland Indians ace ... with the Biebs getting his own "Not Shane Bieber" Tribe jersey!!!

Of course ... Shane has worn "Not Justin" on his back for the past 2 MLB Players' Weekends, when the athletes get to wear whatever name they want on their jerseys.

JB is getting in on the fun now ... rockin' his very own Tribe jersey while joyridin' on his motorcycle in Beverly Hills on Tuesday.

The 2 first linked up online on August 4 after Topps accidentally called Shane "Justin" on his baseball card -- and Justin responded on Twitter, saying, "I feel like we have a special connection."

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