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Cleveland Indians (2019 Thread of Indifference)

Hand with I think his 4th scoreless appearance

If I counted right it was 5 fastballs and 2 sliders in his 7 pitches. His use rate for about 6 weeks was 70% sliders and guys were just sitting on it, seems like that he's trending the right direction.
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Hand with I think his 4th scoreless appearance

If I counted right it was 5 fastballs and 2 sliders in his 7 pitches. His use rate for about 6 weeks was 70% sliders and guys were just sitting on it, seems like that he's trending the right direction.

So....I'm going to have to put my "Jose Ramirez's broken hand is only the second most useless hand on the roster" joke back in my pocket for a while longer?
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That Twins schedule to end the year is just unfair.

Pretty sure they'll go 13-0 the last 2 weeks.
The Indians could sweep the remaining 2 series with the Twins and that still might not be good enough to win the Division. If that is not enough, Tribe gets to play the Nationals the last three games of the season which will probably cement the deal for Minnesota.
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Since beating the Yankees 19-5 on August 15th, the Indians are 6-9, averaging 4.0 runs per game, and batting .194 (19 for 98) with runners in scoring position.

Now 5.5 games behind the Twins and fading fast. Injuries killed this team. Wait until next year, I guess....
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Since beating the Yankees 19-5 on August 15th, the Indians are 6-9, averaging 4.0 runs per game, and batting .194 (19 for 98) with runners in scoring position.

Now 5.5 games behind the Twins and fading fast. Injuries killed this team. Wait until next year, I guess....
TBH, they have been mediocre all season against quality competition. They feast on the weakest teams in baseball. When they meet up with teams that have both legitimate hitting and pitching, they can't even play .500 baseball against those teams.
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