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Cleveland Indians (2019 Thread of Indifference)

TBH, they have been mediocre all season against quality competition. They feast on the weakest teams in baseball. When they meet up with teams that have both legitimate hitting and pitching, they can't even play .500 baseball against those teams.

As somebody said, “Figures don’t lie!” You didn’t quantify how you determined quality competition so I just picked teams that are over .500.

Indians 2019 Record vs. Teams Over .500, thru 9/2

NYY (.647) 4-3
TB (.583) 1-6
BOS (.540) 3-3
HOU (.647) 3-4
OAK (.574) 1-5
MIN (.620) 7-6
ATL (.612) 1-2
NYM (.511) 0-3

Total: 20-32
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If you look at games vs all teams but three poor teams - the Tigers, Royals, and Reds - the Indians are a .500 baseball team as of this moment. They are sub-.500 if, in addition to those 3, you also subtract games vs the lowly Orioles.
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Twins have a 6.5 game lead on the Tribe, and after 9/15 they have AL Central patsies the rest of the year. The Tribe pretty much has to sweep the Twins twice to have any chance of catching them. Right now Cleveland is tied with Oakland for the last wild card spot in the AL. Feels to me like this team is falling out of the playoffs.
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Twins have a 6.5 game lead on the Tribe, and after 9/15 they have AL Central patsies the rest of the year. The Tribe pretty much has to sweep the Twins twice to have any chance of catching them. Right now Cleveland is tied with Oakland for the last wild card spot in the AL. Feels to me like this team is falling out of the playoffs.

Remaining regular season games, including today:

Tampa Bay vs. Tor (4 games), at Tex (3), at LAA (3), at LAD (2), Bos (4), NYY (2), at Tor (3).

Oakland vs. LAA (2 games), Det (4, incl. DH), at HOU (4), at Tex (3), KC (3), Tex (3), at LAA (2), at Sea (4).

Neither Tampa Bay nor Oakland have an easy path to the Wild Card. Interestingly, Tampa Bay, Oakland and Cleveland all finish on the road. Agree that it would pretty much take a Twins collapse to win the Central.
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An Akron friend reminded me yesterday that 15 years ago an avid Yankee fan invited me as a guest to his huge Yankee fanfare day.. party and game... at Yankee Stadium vs my Tribe
He was a long time season ticket holder and picked this day to buy up 12 tickets neighboring his 4 season tickets... just up from visitors dugout up third base...
There were ultra congenial until we started walking from the cars to the stadium... then some razzing started on me
When we got to our seats he announced me... and then the entire area started on me... kept building and building... I was silent but waved.. One fella was very vocal
In the 7th inning... we were up either 13 or 16-0 and it was still a no hitter... then Yanks got their first hit...
So I reversed roles with the vocal ass and said 'hey, is this when you guys start to turn it on'...
Then shortly after the Tribe made many subs were in ... I had to let out "hey, I know these guys.. I watched them with the Akron Aeros the last couple years"
final score 22-0 and set many records.. largest defeat, largest defeat at home and a host of others...
My buddy was very salty... "no fuckin way am I ever bringing you to another game" .. sad
but if you only get to go to one Yankee game at Yankee stadium... I guess that was the right one...
Telepathically I told the Babe and other statues in the outfield I was sorry... but I lied...
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Tribe pen on the other hand has been struggling mightily. They could use every arm they can promote from AAA right now. No one seems to be on a good streak. Jefry Rodriguez might actually give the pen a much-needed lift when he returns from injury in the near future.
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