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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

You mean other than the end result of the Heat having 3 of the top 5 players in the league on one team.

But sure. Cavs fans have decided to do insane mental gymnastics on the whole Decision thing, so I don't expect reality to get in the way of some good old fashioned Warrior hating.

Chris Bosh, a top 5 player.... :slappy:
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There's no doubt that LeBron laid the groundwork for the superteam movement. I don't think anyone here is disputing that.

I also won't dispute that the league is better now than when the Heat formed eight years ago. Even then, the Heat went 2-2 in the Finals over a four year stretch. Let's see what that number looks like for the Warriors two years from now (hint: probably 3-1 or 4-0).
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I mean.....I feel like I can go back in time a little bit before that to find an earlier example of somebody bitching out to join a super team.

As obnoxious as LeBron going to the Heat was, i'll say it still doesn't even compare to Durant going to the team that just won the most regular season games in NBA history the season before. Yea Lebron probably laid the groundwork, but the Warriors and Durant took it to a whole nother level
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Another point. As dumb as JR smith is. Where was someone to call a timeout when it was apparent JR had no clue what the hell he was doing? Total inexcusable mental breakdown on all fronts in that sequence.

I read an article this a.m. that said LBJ tried calling one with 0.7 seconds left (I know, but better later than never, and still enough time to score), but the refs didn't see him. Shocker. And they didn't review that. Again, shocker.
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As obnoxious as LeBron going to the Heat was, i'll say it still doesn't even compare to Durant going to the team that just won the most regular season games in NBA history the season before. Yea Lebron probably laid the groundwork, but the Warriors and Durant took it to a whole nother level

Exactly. Better comparison to Durant joining an already thriving team would be like Karl Malone joining the Chicago Bulls in 1997 or 1998. MJ and Malone were trading league MVPs, but Malone couldn’t beat the Bulls, so he just up and left Utah for some easy rings.

Sure, the Heat were a solid team. But the Heat hadn’t just come off a 73 win regular season and Finals appearance, and D-Wade nor Bosh has ever won NBA MVP.
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