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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

Damnit that was frustrating. Reversing that call obviously was a crucial turning point and was fucked up on many levels. That being said, JR Smith just needs to not just get benched the rest of the series, but pay for him to fly to somewhere as far away from wherever the NBA finals game is being played that night. He is absolutely killing us right now and that last play of regulation just blew my mind...he goes back up with the rebound and the game is over. Not only that, but he is so unaware that he damn near runs the ball back to half court with 3 seconds left. He clearly thought they had the lead. Knew we were about to get blown out of the water in OT once the refs cocked up the Durant charge and then we made the mental error to allow OT.

Really the most upsetting thing is that we had a chance to steal Game 1 when nobody thought we did, and that is probably the only game to steal we will get in this series. GS won't play like that again.
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The funny thing about the officiating is that the NBA should be doing everything in its power to extend the series. There is no fix, because if there were, the refs would've made the calls to ensure a Cleveland victory. The longer the series goes, the more revenue the league generates from these playoffs. The NBA would like nothing more than to see this series go seven. And they understand how outmatched the Cavs are.

For the Cavs to then dominate the game and lose in demoralizing fashion... yikes. Coming into tonight I was about 90% certain that the series would go five. No more, no less. After watching the first half, seeing that the coaching staff had done its job, seeing that the Cavs (LeBron, mostly) were playing with fire and passion, I became cautiously optimistic. I expected them to get blown off the floor, and they looked like the better team.

With the game tied with under a minute left, it became clear that this was the game. Win the game and you change the dynamic of the series. Lose the game and you may as well close up shop. You can muster up the energy to beat a team like Golden State on their home floor once every few weeks. Golden State will win one of the first two in Cleveland, so the Cavs needed this one. I'll be very surprised if Golden State doesn't win game two by 25.

To take a two-point lead and have that ripped away by the officials, wow. I'm not going to count us out yet. Golden State isn't fueled by the same competitive spirit as LeBron. Durant won his first title last year and clearly that was enough for him. GS should be winning every game in this series by 20. I'm not sure how the Cavs come back from tonight, though.

I'll never understand the rationale behind the call itself, either. To me, you need to reference football's rule of irrefutable video evidence. Watching the replay a few dozen times, I still couldn't tell you if it was a charge or block, which is all the more reason to stick with the call on the floor. I know the officials don't want to decide games, but they did decide this one. And it's going to hurt for a long time.
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I find it hilarious that Golden State fans call for technicals when LeBron argues an obvious garbage call (one of many). Yet they praise the fuck out of the most obnoxious, whiner in the league (Draymond Green).

Warriors fans, and “fans”, can literally go fuck themselves. Can’t wait until their America’s Team era is over. I’ll gladly take the Lakers over this obnoxious fucking team.
Bro, this fucking Golden Showers State team is the worst collection of shits I have ever had to experience in my life. From their shitty city and arena, obnoxious asshole players and fucktard fans I can't hope enough bad shit to happen to them. They make A-Rod look like Gehrig.
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It really needs to be explained that the second best basketball player in the world joining a team whose core won 73 games the year prior basically fucked the rest of the league for the foreseeable future?
I mean.....I feel like I can go back in time a little bit before that to find an earlier example of somebody bitching out to join a super team.
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Setting aside how the idiot [censored] officiating crew essentially decided the outcome of the game with their antics at the end of regulation, the shenanigans at the end of OT were entirely avoidable. First, Livingston forearms JR, and it isn't called. Then Thompson does the exact same thing to Livingston, and the referee does his best TV Teddy Valentine--gesticulating wildly to toss Thompson from a game that is already decided and has under 3 seconds to go. Then, when Thompson argues with the ref, the officials do nothing to stop Draymond from immaturely instigating a dust up by clapping in Thompson's face and barking at him. When the dust up ensues, then they decide to jump in.

And this is Game 1 of the NBA [censored] Finals. Well done, Adam Silver--you've somehow taken a league that was a complete joke under David Stern and made it even more akin to professional wrestling.
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I mean.....I feel like I can go back in time a little bit before that to find an earlier example of somebody bitching out to join a super team.
That team wasn’t coming off a historic season, or a Finals appearance, or had a league MVP already on the team. There’s really no comparison between the Miami Heat and the team Durant joined.
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Setting aside how the idiot [censored] officiating crew essentially decided the outcome of the game with their antics at the end of regulation, the shenanigans at the end of OT were entirely avoidable. First, Livingston forearms JR, and it isn't called. Then Thompson does the exact same thing to Livingston, and the referee does his best TV Teddy Valentine--gesticulating wildly to toss Thompson from a game that is already decided and has under 3 seconds to go. Then, when Thompson argues with the ref, the officials do nothing to stop Draymond from immaturely instigating a dust up by clapping in Thompson's face and barking at him. When the dust up ensues, then they decide to jump in.

And this is Game 1 of the NBA [censored] Finals. Well done, Adam Silver--you've somehow taken a league that was a complete joke under David Stern and made it even more akin to professional wrestling.
It is completely a professional wrestling league. Arbitrary enforcement of the rules, stars getting different calls, refs wanting their own gesticulating camera time...all that is missing is the Dusty finish
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That team wasn’t coming off a historic season, or a Finals appearance, or had a league MVP already on the team. There’s really no comparison between the Miami Heat and the team Durant joined.
You mean other than the end result of the Heat having 3 of the top 5 players in the league on one team.

But sure. Cavs fans have decided to do insane mental gymnastics on the whole Decision thing, so I don't expect reality to get in the way of some good old fashioned Warrior hating.
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