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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

Never would have gotten to that without the first ever video review reversal of a foul that has never happened ever
Still doesn’t excuse getting an offensive rebound with 4 seconds left, and running the ball to mid-court. Even if they call a TO there, which they had one, they have a great chance to win.

The refs are going to bone Cleveland no matter what. Durant drives the lane the exact same way LeBron does and gets 100% of the calls because he’s on America’s Team. LeBron gets mugged, and the refs don’t call shit. It’s really a shame the refs want nothing to do with properly calling fouls both ways, especially for one of the greatest players of all time. Unfortunately the way it is.
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Oh I’m not excusing JRs full retard at all. Just saying I fully expect the league tomorrow to say they’ve reviewed all the calls from this game, and they did a fantastic job except LeBron is retroactively given a flagrant 2 and suspended for game 2.
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Never would have gotten to that without the first ever video review reversal of a foul that has never happened ever
Seriously, wtf is this? Every consequential play needs reviewed in the 4th quarter now. LeBron hit on the arm making a pass in the lane? Review. Foul.

I can't believe that gets overturned. Movement is allowed, he was at the spot and got barreled over. Ball, up 2, with 36 seconds left...so much shit went wrong. I'm numb.

Seriously, don't think I'll even follow along Sunday. Warriors down 0-1? They might roll. Not now. Rout is on and I can't get over this game. Like I said, may just need out on sports, this shit is awful lol.
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Entertaining game, but JR Smith's gotta be kickin' himself after the mental blunder at the end of regulation. For starters: foul shot to win it for Hill(?), which he misses..... then JR's offensive rebound that he pulled out instead of going right back up with. Could have possibly drawn a foul on the shot bc defense was out of position. Cavs should have stolen that one and they wasted a 50+ performance from Lebron.

That effort though, makes me think the Cavs can at least win a couple of games in Cleveland. Still think Warriors win in less than 7.
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Seriously, wtf is this? Every consequential play needs reviewed in the 4th quarter now. LeBron hit on the arm making a pass in the lane? Review. Foul.

I can't believe that gets overturned. Movement is allowed, he was at the spot and got barreled over. Ball, up 2, with 36 seconds left...so much shit went wrong. I'm numb.
One hundred million times this
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I find it hilarious that Golden State fans call for technicals when LeBron argues an obvious garbage call (one of many). Yet they praise the fuck out of the most obnoxious, whiner in the league (Draymond Green).

Warriors fans, and “fans”, can literally go fuck themselves. Can’t wait until their America’s Team era is over. I’ll gladly take the Lakers over this obnoxious fucking team.
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Seriously, wtf is this? Every consequential play needs reviewed in the 4th quarter now. LeBron hit on the arm making a pass in the lane? Review. Foul.

I can't believe that gets overturned. Movement is allowed, he was at the spot and got barreled over. Ball, up 2, with 36 seconds left...so much shit went wrong. I'm numb.

Seriously, don't think I'll even follow along Sunday. Warriors down 0-1? They might roll. Not now. Rout is on and I can't get over this game. Like I said, may just need out on sports, this shit is awful lol.
And for people who like to say people whine about the officiating too much...you can fuck right off after this game. Anytime that refs can use a bogus bullshit pretense like “restricted area” to then go back and change the live ball call to whatever the fuck they want it to be after the fact ARE DIRECTLY DECIDING THE OUTCOME OF THE FUCKING GAME. So Silver gets what Silver wants.
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How did LeBron not get an And-1 on his drive with 30 seconds? Right before Curry got his with Love smacking him in the face (dumb foul). LeBron needs a foul every time he drives with guys hanging on him. All so ridiculous. And I shouldn't even care.

He needs Wade vs. Mavs in 2006 treatment the rest of the way (97 FTA in 6 games).
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