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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

Draymond Green should have been called for foul, lane violation, league says

The NBA's "Last Two Minute Report" for Game 1 of the Finals on Thursday revealed two infractions that should have been called on Golden State's Draymond Green in the waning seconds of regulation ahead of the Warriors' 124-114 overtime win.

The league said Green committed a lane violation by entering into the paint in order to establish rebounding position prior to George Hill releasing the second of two free throw attempts with 4.7 seconds remaining.

Hill missed the shot, leading to a wild sequence in which JR Smith grabbed the offensive rebound and dribbled out past the 3-point line with the score tied 107-107, rather than looking to score before the clock expired.

Had the lane violation been called, Hill would have been awarded another attempt to make the free throw.

The league also said that Green should have been called for a foul with 12.1 seconds to go for grabbing LeBron James' arm and affecting his freedom of movement. That contact preceded James' pass to Hill that led to Klay Thompson fouling the Cavs point guard and putting him on the line.

The Cavs were in the bonus at the time, meaning if the foul on Green was called, James -- and not Hill -- would have been the one attempting two free throws with the Cavs down 107-106.

James shot 10-for-11 from the free throw line in the 124-114 defeat.

The L2M also offered an explanation as to why the charge call on Kevin Durant with 36.4 seconds remaining was overturned and ended up as a blocking foul on James.

"The crew was not reasonably certain whether James was in the restricted area after an offensive foul was called against Durant," the report said. "Upon replay review, it was confirmed that James was outside the restricted area. The referees also reviewed whether James was in a legal guarding position, which is an additional reviewable matter for this replay trigger. Replay showed James was not in a legal guarding position because he was turning his body and moving into Durant when contact occurred. Thus the initial call on the floor was overturned and James was assessed a blocking foul."

Entire article: http://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/...d-two-missed-infractions-final-seconds-game-1

Bottom line: The Cavs got screwed by the refs.
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Folks, I have to side with Nation in this whole "wrecked the league" debate. I don't think the issue is about the formation of super-teams, it's one of degrees. Lebron joining Wade and Bosh in Miami is the same thing as dipshit Durant joining Golden Showers State. The degree difference is between a late May warm day in Cleveland vs Death Valley, California.
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Durant blew a 3-1 lead and then joined that team the next season. Lol, that’s LeBron going to Boston in 2010 (lost in Finals to Lakers) to join Garnett/Pierce/Allen. You lose/choke and then join that [73 win] team?

Looking back, LeBron/Wade/Bosh pales in comparison.
I still can’t imagine joining a team you just lost to. 3. Straight. Games. In the playoffs. He choked a 3-1 lead. And joined that team.

12-31 FG, 3-11 3p
10-31 FG, 1-8 3p at home
10-19 FG, 3-7 3p

A 4x scoring champ, with the previous year’s scoring champ alongside (Westbrook ‘14-15). An MVP 2 years prior. Boom, no thanks Russell, I’m going to that other squad. See ya.

Again, hindsight has me surprised how much we freaked out about the move. Cleveland was scorned lovers and we flipped out. It was also HOW he did it, which he has since admitted was really dumb as a 25 year old. He had the promise he didn’t fulfill in his hometown. But, he was competing against other Big 3’s- Boston, LA Lakers (2x champs), Spurs were stacked in 2000’s, Chicago Bulls. Definitely threw off the balance but KD went with the ultimate bitchmade move.
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Anyway, LeBron is the best player to ever step on the hardwood. Can’t watch him and think otherwise.

Grew up with 4 MJ posters in my room (1 MJ, 1 Pippen/Rodman/MJ, 1 72-win team collage, 1 Space Jam). Weird considering I was 90’s Pacers fan, but MJ was MJ.

LeBron is doing things no one else has has. Unfortunately the rest of the team is doing it in an opposite fashion.
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