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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

NBA contracts are a fucking disaster though. The whole league is fucked when it comes to that

Ryan Anderson is making 80 Mil over 4 years. a 6'10 3 point chucking PF who gets bullied around inside and can't rebound for shit. Averages 13/5 for his career and making 20 mil per.

The Mozgov/Lakers 16 mil per year deal :slappy:

Omer Asik makes around 12 mil per year for his 5/7 career average.

Plenty of shining examples of horrendous NBA money throwing.
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The league is going to be 2-3 super teams from now on. With the cap exponentially rising, it won't slow down.
And unfortunately for older fans like us, fans of actual basketball, who remember how great the nba was before it became "sports entertainment", they have no reason to change. Younger fans today, IMO, seem to be more fans of certain players vice teams, and they lap this horseshit brand of basketball up. They don't give a fuck about the drama actually being confined to the games themselves, or good sound fundamental basketball. The nba is a trash league, and it will remain one. It's a league full of mercenaries. Professional basketball is dead.

Like I said a little while ago...it's great the Cavs were able to end the title drought, it's just a shame a legitimate sports team like the clowns or tribe couldn't have done it first.
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And unfortunately for older fans like us, fans of actual basketball, who remember how great the nba was before it became "sports entertainment", they have no reason to change. Younger fans today, IMO, seem to be more fans of certain players vice teams, and they lap this horse[Mark May] brand of basketball up. They don't give a fuck about the drama actually being confined to the games themselves, or good sound fundamental basketball. The nba is a trash league, and it will remain one. It's a league full of mercenaries. Professional basketball is dead.

Like I said a little while ago...it's great the Cavs were able to end the title drought, it's just a shame a legitimate sports team like the clowns or tribe couldn't have done it first.

The NBAs rules are so morphed i'm not sure you can call it actual basketball anymore. Traveling is allowed basically, even when blatant. The bullshit continuation plays where you can feel contact and just fling the ball up from anywhere and be awarded free throws and so much more but those are the 2 that annoy me the most.
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The shooter jumping INTO the defender and drawing a foul may be the worst officiated play in all of sports. Fucking clown show zebras fall for it every fucking time even though the offensive player is initiating the contact.

One play in particular in the finals where Curry jumped about 3 feet fucking SIDEWAYS into a defender then tossed the ball up and they still called the foul and gave him 3 free throws made me want to toss my beer across my living room.

That and the half court "shooting foul" where the player feels contact and launches the ball up........like someone is ever going to actually shoot a half court shot unless its a last second desperation heave.

The continuation rule it itself is stupid as hell. Why should someone be able to take an extra 2 or 3 steps after being fouled and have it still be counted as a shooting foul?
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If LeBron leaves next year, this would add insult to injury, though I'd imagine a complete rebuild would be the plan anyway.

Meanwhile, the Lakers are engaged in trade talks with Indiana about Paul George. They're desperately trying to go the Knicks route of trading for a superstar and giving away any role players that would help them win a title in the process. Between Magic Johnson, Phil Jackson, and potentially Chauncey Billups, it's nice to know that I'd be a better GM than most NBA legends.
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If LeBron leaves next year, this would add insult to injury, though I'd imagine a complete rebuild would be the plan anyway.

Meanwhile, the Lakers are engaged in trade talks with Indiana about Paul George. They're desperately trying to go the Knicks route of trading for a superstar and giving away any role players that would help them win a title in the process. Between Magic Johnson, Phil Jackson, and potentially Chauncey Billups, it's nice to know that I'd be a better GM than most NBA legends.
Can't really say I'm surprised a Top 3 PG in the NBA would want to be traded after three straight seasons of terrible basketball teams. It's likely the Cavs would fall back into that same mediocrity again once LeBron leaves, and Kyrie does the same. Can't fault the guy for wanting to play at the absolute highest level.
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If LeBron leaves next year, this would add insult to injury, though I'd imagine a complete rebuild would be the plan anyway.

Meanwhile, the Lakers are engaged in trade talks with Indiana about Paul George. They're desperately trying to go the Knicks route of trading for a superstar and giving away any role players that would help them win a title in the process. Between Magic Johnson, Phil Jackson, and potentially Chauncey Billups, it's nice to know that I'd be a better GM than most NBA legends.
Exactly what's wrong with this shit league. The inmates run the asylum. It isn't about developing talent, building cohesion/teamwork, and outcoaching/scheming the opposition. The nba is strictly an acquisitions league.
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Another thing that pisses me off about the NBA, along with the bogus contracts for average/mediocre players is the bogus ass trades that constantly go down. Since we are airing our grievances

I'm sure a simple google search could come up with countless examples of this
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