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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

Jesus Christ. THIS is why it's hard to get really into this horse[Mark May].
An argument could be made that Jr was making a blind swing and wasn't meaning to hit Crowder. I wouldn't buy it, nor would anyone but blind Cavs fan or JR's mother buy it. But you could try.

Olynyk's move was an MMA submission hold with no tap out. It was in no way a basketball play; cheap, bush league, bitch move, I don't care what you call it. But he should miss twice as many games as what Live ends up missing plus a substantial fine, and game of one on one vs Perkins with no basketball.
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Come on Bucks!!!

They pushed it out one more game. Give us one more and a little more time for Love. Personnally, I dont see him playing again for the Cavs but a lot of times these injury reports aren't 100% truthful. We'll see.
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This is all speculation, but I do at least think this is the best-case-scenario for Love returning next year. I have grown increasingly wary of the idea of Love taking off after this year, and I think him missing almost the entire playoff run, or playing at less than 100% would lead him to return more than anything else. I would be shocked to see him back before the Finals, and honestly I wouldn't want him back until then. Love at 80% against a Western Conference team is way better than Love at 50% against the Hawks or Wizards.

If the Cavs can beat the Bulls (who impress me less and less with every loss to the offensively inept Bucks), they won't have any trouble with Atlanta or Washington.
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Come on Bucks!!!

They pushed it out one more game. Give us one more and a little more time for Love. Personnally, I dont see him playing again for the Cavs but a lot of times these injury reports aren't 100% truthful. We'll see.

Bulls get 2 days rest before the next game. If they can't close it out in 6 I think they will be the first team that was up 3-0 to lose. All the extra minutes are going to weigh on them more than the Bucks. The Cavs are getting over a week to rest and work on a scheme without Love. This is where Blatt needs to make his money.
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if the consensus of the doctors is that love can do no further damage playing through it, they are going to sit him for a few weeks to get all the swelling down, pump him full of cortisone and lidocane and send him out there in that dwight howard special shirt and shoulder harness for about 20 minutes a night.
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Yep, when they announced the damage I thought there was no way he would be back this season. We still have the talent to win the East, the finals... depending on who comes out of the West will determine how bad we lose the finals.

On the flip side... Love has to come back, right? He got a taste in the Boston series of playoff basketball and he was playing well and the Cavs were using him right. No way he can leave with unfinished business, right? Now, it could just be a one year thing, but he might just sign a max deal to hedge against his injury history.
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Sam Amico‏@SamAmicoFSO
Cavs GM David Griffin: Kevin Love return this season highly unlikely. Damage to shoulder was extensive. Surgery an option.
I never did like Sam Amico:smash:

With regard to the NBA office they can go is just do what NFBuck suggests above. I think the suspension of Smith for 2 playoff games is just stupid. I mean what the hell are the Celtics losing anyway. They should have suspended them for games next year. I wonder if the NFL has ever suspended someone from the playoffs. Also, if the Cavaliers end up playing Chicago maybe we should just put in Heywood and let him take out Gasol:pissed3:
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