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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

I'm guessing Love will want to be a FA next summer (2016) so I'd be shocked if he doesn't play at least 1 more year with the Cavs. He'll either pick up his option or sign a 1 year deal with the Cavs. I don't think he'll like going out with this taste in his mouth. If he finds his place next season like he seemed to be doing in the playoffs I'd be surprised to see him turn down a max deal with the Cavs in 2016.
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his contract goes through 15-16 season. Its a player option. He will be UFA in 16-17 season

It is a player option for next year which is 100% not to get picked up. All he has to do is opt out and sign a 1 year deal and make $3 million more (if he signs with Cavs). His agent ain't dumb, no reason to pick up the player option when just a quick paperwork thing can get him $3 million more. Of course the danger is he COULD sign elsewhere for a max deal, but why?
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It is a player option for next year which is 100% not to get picked up. All he has to do is opt out and sign a 1 year deal and make $3 million more (if he signs with Cavs). His agent ain't dumb, no reason to pick up the player option when just a quick paperwork thing can get him $3 million more. Of course the danger is he COULD sign elsewhere for a max deal, but why?

The Cavs max deal is still more money and an extra year than what another team could sign. After that he'd be set to take less money in LA assuming they build a winner by then. I don't know why any player would want to go to a rebuilding situation during their prime for less money. Hell Lebron left his hometown team because he knew they couldn't build a winner and only came back after they had 4 years if high draft picks to improve the roster.
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The Cavs max deal is still more money and an extra year than what another team could sign. After that he'd be set to take less money in LA assuming they build a winner by then. I don't know why any player would want to go to a rebuilding situation during their prime for less money. Hell Lebron left his hometown team because he knew they couldn't build a winner and only came back after they had 4 years if high draft picks to improve the roster.
I guess I do not understand the entire CBA of the NBA at all. If Gilbert is willing to pay the luxury tax could not he sign Lebron, Irving, and Love all to Max contracts or is there some limit for a total roster that might preclude this from being done. @Piney also
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I guess I do not understand the entire CBA of the NBA at all. If Gilbert is willing to pay the luxury tax could not he sign Lebron, Irving, and Love all to Max contracts or is there some limit for a total roster that might preclude this from being done. @Piney also

He can. That's why it's good having all 3 guys on the roster. Irving already signed his max deal, which will look cheap next summer. Thompson will look overpaid when he signs his extension because they will be hedging on the cap shooting up next year.

I was just saying that if Love were to sign a max deal this summer the Cavs would be able to offer him an extra year and higher bumps in pay than the Lakers.
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Everyone that can.. will only sign a 1 year deal
There is a very good chance the cap could go to $100M in the next 2 years
so smart agents will only do 1-yr deals till the lottery hits
then they'll all sign multi-year max deals

IMO Love is here for years to come
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Honest question, if the Cavs make the finals (let alone win) without Love.... do they still bring him back as a max player? Do you even bring him back at all or do you try to woo someone else for cheaper?
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Resign him Max, for as long as they can.
The team could always trade him in the future. Just get him locked up first.

It seems to me the problem in the future will be Mozgov.
He is only making 4.9M next year, but we will have to pay him a lot more after that.
I have no idea how we would be able to keep Thompson, Mozgov, and Love.

After the Cap hike, Mozgov will be worth what Kyrie is being paid.
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Honest question, if the Cavs make the finals (let alone win) without Love.... do they still bring him back as a max player? Do you even bring him back at all or do you try to woo someone else for cheaper?

They can't sign anyone new due to the cap so they can't let the guys they have walk for nothing. If anything they can try a sign and trade, but they'd be better off signing Love for as long as possible. Mozzie is 28 and has only really been productive with the Cavs so I would think Andy money for 4-5 years would be fine.
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So Dwight Howard was getting ready to receive an ally oop. Charlie Villanueva basically shoulder shrugs him out of bounds, but grabs him to make sure he doesn't get injured.

The announcers go on and on about how great a play it was and how NBA players respect each other to the point where they don't want to cause injuries.

No mention of Kevin Love's arm being torn out of his socket during the conversation.
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Honest question, if the Cavs make the finals (let alone win) without Love.... do they still bring him back as a max player? Do you even bring him back at all or do you try to woo someone else for cheaper?

Basically yes... if they don't re-sign Love they are very limited in finding his replacement (basically trading Haywood's contract) or other trades.

Resign him Max, for as long as they can.
The team could always trade him in the future. Just get him locked up first.

It seems to me the problem in the future will be Mozgov.
He is only making 4.9M next year, but we will have to pay him a lot more after that.
I have no idea how we would be able to keep Thompson, Mozgov, and Love.

After the Cap hike, Mozgov will be worth what Kyrie is being paid.

We can keep everyone on the team, as long as we are willing to pay a huge luxury tax bill. Wait... I should say if Gilbert is willing to pay it and he is a billionaire that wants to win. So no doubt he doesn't care about spending money to win and also to keep LeBron happy.

So basically our core is here as long as they want to be here (ie if Love doesn't want to leave and any other crazy things like JR Smith or Shump wanting a max deal) The big key will be finding the role players which will consist of vet min contracts of guys that want to win titles (ie Marion, Miller, Jones) and rookies. We need to hit on our draft picks when we have them. They don't need to be stars, they just need to be good back ups and/or trade assets.
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Basically yes... if they don't re-sign Love they are very limited in finding his replacement (basically trading Haywood's contract) or other trades.

We can keep everyone on the team, as long as we are willing to pay a huge luxury tax bill. Wait... I should say if Gilbert is willing to pay it and he is a billionaire that wants to win. So no doubt he doesn't care about spending money to win and also to keep LeBron happy.

So basically our core is here as long as they want to be here (ie if Love doesn't want to leave and any other crazy things like JR Smith or Shump wanting a max deal) The big key will be finding the role players which will consist of vet min contracts of guys that want to win titles (ie Marion, Miller, Jones) and rookies. We need to hit on our draft picks when we have them. They don't need to be stars, they just need to be good back ups and/or trade assets.

concurrently, varejao will be off the books after next season, so, that will be $9 million, not in cap, but in reduction of luxury taxes being paid. The Cavs will also have the MLE as well to use this offseason. they'll have plenty of options to add pieces.
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