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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

I don't want this to come off as me not being a true Cavs fan. A true fan I am. However, my buddy who is Cleveland crazy to TSelanne/Foligno/Buckscout levels, where the players for Cleveland teams are "amazing!! super talented, championship leaders" when discussing the likes of Manziel and such...he said he would take bets that the Cavs win the title this year. Now I'm not a big bettor but I told him I would take the bet because, I mean, cmon...Cleveland. So I just told him, "Should be easy money. No Cleveland pro sports team has won a title since like 1964. That's 3 pro teams and something like 150 seasons combined of not winning shit. That stretch includes 8 years of LeBron led Cavs teams." He told me I could name my price. I hesitated a few days because, again, not a big betting man. After a few days, I told him, "alright, 50 bucks." He accepted. I figure, I pay 50 bucks for a Cleveland team to win their first championship in my lifetime, or I come up on $50 for the easiest bet ever. Win-Win. It's not the biggest bet but I'm ready to start counting my money. It's a shame really but it's also called something else...science/reality/just the way of the universe. Lesson is...never put money on a Cleveland team to do something big. Seriously. Who doesn't know that?
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Welp that one year rental of Love was worth it... Dude is gone, Lakers or someone else on the west coast will throw the max at him, he'll give the finger to Cleveland... waste of good young talent. I'll be interested to see what GM Lebron does next.
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Welp that one year rental of Love was worth it... Dude is gone, Lakers or someone else on the west coast will throw the max at him, he'll give the finger to Cleveland... waste of good young talent. I'll be interested to see what GM Lebron does next.

I told my buddy that I referenced in the post above that the Love deal was fucking stupid. He was all "OMG! LeBron, Irving, Love, Waiters (yes, Waiters, because if he is a Cav, he is the best player in the a world.) Championships!!!"

Minnesota had 0 leverage and all it took was some cap manipulation to still get Love after this season if we really wanted him and if he would come. But no, trade Wiggins. Trade a man who could be the future for when LeBron is gone. Brilliant...
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Welp that one year rental of Love was worth it... Dude is gone, Lakers or someone else on the west coast will throw the max at him, he'll give the finger to Cleveland... waste of good young talent. I'll be interested to see what GM Lebron does next.

How is he gone? He got just a slight taste of playoff ball but will go to the Lakers and go back to putting up stats on a crappy team? He ain't going to Boston now. If the Cavs are smart they make sure Love is on the bench in a suit watching his teammates play in the playoffs and get pissed he missed out on playing in it.

I am 99% sure he will at least sign a one year deal back with the Cavs. No reason to leave, why not give it another year and be part of the playoff run. Then at worst he can sign a big ass free agent deal when the cap explodes after 2016?
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How is he gone? He got just a slight taste of playoff ball but will go to the Lakers and go back to putting up stats on a crappy team? He ain't going to Boston now. If the Cavs are smart they make sure Love is on the bench in a suit watching his teammates play in the playoffs and get pissed he missed out on playing in it.

I am 99% sure he will at least sign a one year deal back with the Cavs. No reason to leave, why not give it another year and be part of the playoff run. Then at worst he can sign a big ass free agent deal when the cap explodes after 2016?
You and I are both making assumptions. You're assuming he cares about the playoffs and being on a winner. I'm assuming he cares more about where he's living, his teammates (its been well documented that he's not meshed very well with Lebron), and him being more of a Star... I think he's gone, but I will concede the most likely scenario is he might not opt out until '16 which case he'll be gone then.
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Well there goes any hope at a title. Just beat Chicago, then. I fucking hate the Bulls.

It makes it harder, but I'm not willing to write off any team with Lebron IF he really wants it. It really depends how much 4 he is willing to play and if they face anyone that can stop them from going small. The Bulls are the 1 team in the east with enough bigs to cause the Cavs problems. Guys like Jones and Miller are capable of bringing the floor stretching that Love brought, but it just really depends if the Cavs can defend without 2 real bigs on the floor. The first 2 games of the next series will give us a good indication of the Cavs mindset. I hope they rally around each other and do what it takes to keep winning. Lebron is old enough that I doubt he is willing to sacrifice a season because of an injury in the playoffs.
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Bulls get 2 days rest before the next game. If they can't close it out in 6 I think they will be the first team that was up 3-0 to lose. All the extra minutes are going to weigh on them more than the Bucks. The Cavs are getting over a week to rest and work on a scheme without Love. This is where Blatt needs to make his money.
Spot on.
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It makes it harder, but I'm not willing to write off any team with Lebron IF he really wants it. It really depends how much 4 he is willing to play and if they face anyone that can stop them from going small. The Bulls are the 1 team in the east with enough bigs to cause the Cavs problems. Guys like Jones and Miller are capable of bringing the floor stretching that Love brought, but it just really depends if the Cavs can defend without 2 real bigs on the floor. The first 2 games of the next series will give us a good indication of the Cavs mindset. I hope they rally around each other and do what it takes to keep winning. Lebron is old enough that I doubt he is willing to sacrifice a season because of an injury in the playoffs.

I think it's possible, but those Western Conference teams are going to make it a monumental task.


That's your crunch time/primary lineup. Implement Shumpert (for Smith), Jones (for Miller), and Marion (who would play the 4 when LeBron sits) and there's a chance. All of those guys have to be on the top of their game though. It's not so bad if they lose soon (as opposed to in the Finals). LeBron has been to the Finals the last 4 years, and an extra month of rest wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.
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It makes it harder, but I'm not willing to write off any team with Lebron IF he really wants it. It really depends how much 4 he is willing to play and if they face anyone that can stop them from going small. The Bulls are the 1 team in the east with enough bigs to cause the Cavs problems. Guys like Jones and Miller are capable of bringing the floor stretching that Love brought, but it just really depends if the Cavs can defend without 2 real bigs on the floor. The first 2 games of the next series will give us a good indication of the Cavs mindset. I hope they rally around each other and do what it takes to keep winning. Lebron is old enough that I doubt he is willing to sacrifice a season because of an injury in the playoffs.
This really. I mean those Cleveland teams he was willing them on. He now has another bonafide star in Kyrie and in my opinion, the duo of Mozgov/Thompson are pretty good in the paint. I haven't seen anyone swallow rebounds like Thompson since Rodman. If JR comes back with a vengeance and we get the best of Shumperts defense, they should make the NBA Finals. Then we'll see just how bad Love's shoulder really is. IF he is healing and not really going to do much more damage if he plays, would be very very hard to sit and watch a Finals series.
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You and I are both making assumptions. You're assuming he cares about the playoffs and being on a winner. I'm assuming he cares more about where he's living, his teammates (its been well documented that he's not meshed very well with Lebron), and him being more of a Star... I think he's gone, but I will concede the most likely scenario is he might not opt out until '16 which case he'll be gone then.

I am making the assumption based on his previous comments that he wants to be on a winner and get to the playoffs. Also... I can't get the picture of him skipping along after that dagger 3 pointer in game 3. He was finally having fun and meshing with the team. Also, he got to see his team stick up for him by putting Perk in to lay the wood on Boston after he got hurt.

Maybe I am hoping... I am a Cleveland fan afterall. It seemed like he was finally getting the looks he wanted all along, and in the playoffs to boot. The injury happening gives him all of these "could have been" scenarios in his head. Heck, if he played the rest of the playoffs maybe he would have had a worse experience and decided he didn't fit. But that last taste in his mouth was having 3 very good games (even after a bad start to game 1) in playoff games with this team.

While everyone is saying he will leave, it is coming from everywhere but Kevin Love himself and the Cavs. Could it be wishful thinking of every GM that wants to get him?

Plus he can always sign a one year contract to re-up and THEN leave, cuz next year the Cavs will probably be even better and be the odds on favorite to win it all. If his stated goal is to win championships... why not one more year in Cleveland and THEN cash in where the max deal could make him an extra $20-$30+ million and go somewhere else in 2016?
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I am making the assumption based on his previous comments that he wants to be on a winner and get to the playoffs. Also... I can't get the picture of him skipping along after that dagger 3 pointer in game 3. He was finally having fun and meshing with the team. Also, he got to see his team stick up for him by putting Perk in to lay the wood on Boston after he got hurt.

Maybe I am hoping... I am a Cleveland fan afterall. It seemed like he was finally getting the looks he wanted all along, and in the playoffs to boot. The injury happening gives him all of these "could have been" scenarios in his head. Heck, if he played the rest of the playoffs maybe he would have had a worse experience and decided he didn't fit. But that last taste in his mouth was having 3 very good games (even after a bad start to game 1) in playoff games with this team.

While everyone is saying he will leave, it is coming from everywhere but Kevin Love himself and the Cavs. Could it be wishful thinking of every GM that wants to get him?

Plus he can always sign a one year contract to re-up and THEN leave, cuz next year the Cavs will probably be even better and be the odds on favorite to win it all. If his stated goal is to win championships... why not one more year in Cleveland and THEN cash in where the max deal could make him an extra $20-$30+ million and go somewhere else in 2016?
his contract goes through 15-16 season. Its a player option. He will be UFA in 16-17 season
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Bulls get 2 days rest before the next game. If they can't close it out in 6 I think they will be the first team that was up 3-0 to lose. All the extra minutes are going to weigh on them more than the Bucks. The Cavs are getting over a week to rest and work on a scheme without Love. This is where Blatt needs to make his money.

Exactly, I also think Lebron will slide into the 4 spot and James Jones will start. Not like they haven't been playing that lineup parts of the season anyway. Shumpert is gonna start in Jr's place (if he performs well JR may be coming of the bench for the rest of the playoffs)
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