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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

I too think it's high contingent on how the Cavs play in games 1 and 2. I would rather him come back for the Finals (at close to 100%) than have to rush back for this series. I don't think we'd need him at all against Atlanta or Washington, so it's a real shame that the Cavs were unlucky enough to get the Bulls. It's incredibly important for the Cavs to move the ball against Chicago. Hero ball will not be enough.

Funny enough, the most important games of the season for the Cavs may be in this Milwaukee/Chicago series, and the Cavs aren't even playing in it. I expect Chicago to wrap it up tonight, but if the Bucks were able to take it to six or even seven the Cavs would be in good shape.
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according to the twitters, love is getting a 2nd opinion on the shoulder and the cavs won't make any formal annoucement until that is done.

so, either a grenade went off inside his shoulder, or it's not that bad and he's getting a 2nd opinion on the viability of playing and long term damage.

one would think that if there were an obvious tear in the shoulder, which would require surgery, a 2nd opinion wouldn't really be needed.
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Hoping the Bucks can take it to a 7 game series (by no minor miracle) That would allow Love and the team to get additional rest and he might be able to return for the tail end of the next series.

IMO if the Bucks take it to 7 games they will be the first team down 0-3 to win. With everything that happened to the Cavs yesterday I doubt the Bulls want to risk dragging the series out and giving the Cavs a couple extra days rest so they will give their best shot tonight. I actually wouldn't be surprised to see the Bucks win the series if they can win tonight.
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according to the twitters, love is getting a 2nd opinion on the shoulder and the cavs won't make any formal annoucement until that is done.

so, either a grenade went off inside his shoulder, or it's not that bad and he's getting a 2nd opinion on the viability of playing and long term damage.

one would think that if there were an obvious tear in the shoulder, which would require surgery, a 2nd opinion wouldn't really be needed.

Its probably just a question of long term risk. If the team Dr says, "Yeah, once you feel like you're up to it, you're clear to play" I can see why he'd seek a second opinion. Or the alternate, "Hey you need to rest this for a couple weeks to make sure its strong enough" but maybe it feels pretty good Or any number of scenarios. (Not assuming who said what at all, just seeing a lot of cases where a 2nd opinion is a smart thing, and really it probably is regardless... and honestly, I don't know why he needs to announce anything ever)
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Gotta allow requisite time for a staph infection...

In all seriousness, a second opinion is likely a hurt vs. Injured scenario, as you all have basically outlined. If it hurts but he isn't going to kill it, he might give it a go. But you know Noah will hit it every chance he gets.
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Its probably just a question of long term risk. If the team Dr says, "Yeah, once you feel like you're up to it, you're clear to play" I can see why he'd seek a second opinion. Or the alternate, "Hey you need to rest this for a couple weeks to make sure its strong enough" but maybe it feels pretty good Or any number of scenarios. (Not assuming who said what at all, just seeing a lot of cases where a 2nd opinion is a smart thing, and really it probably is regardless... and honestly, I don't know why he needs to announce anything ever)

I agree. The team knows what they need to know. Fuck what they tell the Bulls. Maybe he wasn't hurt at all and this is a troll job for the Bulls when he starts game 1 at 100%.
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Unless he's going to pump it full of cortisone, I can't see how you bounce back from ligaments and labrum tears in 2 weeks... even not being his shooting hand
maybe they can build a harness so the arm is immobilized but how effective can you be playing the 4
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