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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

I really hope Lebron is paying for Perk's fines. Probably be good for him to get a few of those flagrant 1's against the Bulls. I don't think the Bucks can pull off the comeback, but it would be great if they could extend the series another game or two. Kidd is right that the games should get easier for them as the series goes on since they are younger and quicker than the Bulls and there should only be 1 day rest. I don't know how long Rose can stay healthy/effective if he is playing 40 minutes a game. Be great to give Love an extra few days to recover before the Bulls series starts.

I'm not sure if football is different than basketball, but a dislocated shoulder was 2-3 week injury for me just to play. Even then he won't fully recover until next season and might need surgery. Of course I didn't have NBA doctors to get me ready to play. On the bright side it wasn't his shooting shoulder so it shouldn't effect his shot much. He just won't be playing as much in the post or rebounding as well.
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Today was such a predictable outcome given the way this series was officiated. That was borderline incompetent reffing. They let Boston thug it up and whine for 3 games while Cleveland just laughed at the Celtics futile attempts.

Today it went up another notch and two guys got seriously hurt, and the officiating crew still butchered the game until the very end.
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Pretty wild game today. Olynyk's play was borderline at best and Smith's was ridiculous and he should be suspended. No problem with what Perkins did.

I hope Love can make it back at some point. I'm a Warrior fan and I'm hoping they play the Cavs in the finals if they make it b/c I like watching them more than the Hawks or Bulls.
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Today was such a predictable outcome given the way this series was officiated. That was borderline incompetent reffing. They let Boston thug it up and whine for 3 games while Cleveland just laughed at the Celtics futile attempts.

Today it went up another notch and two guys got seriously hurt, and the officiating crew still butchered the game until the very end.
I kind of liked Bad Stevens as a coach...until this series. You could tell their entire plan was to try to thug it up and knock the Cavs out of their comfort zone. That's fine to an extent, but now you have injuries as a direct result of your antics and it's bullshit. Fuck the Celtics and fuck Brad Stevens. Bush league coach, and a bush league team.
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and what really sucks is.. various news networks START the video from when JR starts the arm back.. and NOT what caused it all

PLUS Crowder started the whole thing by crashing down the lane and barreling JR before he started the forearm shims to the upper back
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Today was such a predictable outcome given the way this series was officiated. That was borderline incompetent reffing. They let Boston thug it up and whine for 3 games while Cleveland just laughed at the Celtics futile attempts.

Today it went up another notch and two guys got seriously hurt, and the officiating crew still butchered the game until the very end.
If there was a game 5, there could gave been a career ender
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So if the Bucks can win one more the 2nd round series starts Monday rather than Saturday. Let's hope for that. Or Rose pulls his vagina again and the Bulls tank the rest of the series. The Bucks were one of the teams that Love sat for the whole 4th quarter against so they could get buy with Jones, Marion, and Miller getting minutes. It will be harder to go small against the Bulls, but Thompson and Mozzy out there together isn't good for the offense.

I'll be extremely pissed if Smith gets a worse penalty than Olynyk. Smith went overboard trying to get a guy off his back that was all over him. Olynyk was just being a thug asshole trying to end a guy's season. This picture says it call. That is a guy trying to rip off an arm not play basketball.

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So if the Bucks can win one more the 2nd round series starts Monday rather than Saturday. Let's hope for that. Or Rose pulls his vagina again and the Bulls tank the rest of the series. The Bucks were one of the teams that Love sat for the whole 4th quarter against so they could get buy with Jones, Marion, and Miller getting minutes. It will be harder to go small against the Bulls, but Thompson and Mozzy out there together isn't good for the offense.

I'll be extremely pissed if Smith gets a worse penalty than Olynyk. Smith went overboard trying to get a guy off his back that was all over him. Olynyk was just being a thug asshole trying to end a guy's season. This picture says it call. That is a guy trying to rip off an arm not play basketball.

She must be on the rag.
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Most experts agreed that it wasn't intentional, but I disagree. He may not have tried to pop Love's shoulder out of the socket, but he definitely tried to injure him.

Not having JR in game one and possibly game two is going to hurt. I think we have to reach into the bench for another reserve in this series. The Cavs will need something out of Jones, Miller, or Marion to win the series. I think the best case is splitting Love's minutes between Thompson, Jones, and either Miller or Marion. Chicago was going to be a test before Love was hurt, now I foresee about half the experts picking them to win the series.

Kyrie and LeBron are going to have to be more consistent. I know they went into Iso mode at the end of the game just to get the fuck out of Boston, but ball movement and better shooting efficiency is essential to beating Chicago. Especially because we have a pretty good chance of dropping one of the first two at home. I'm not sure what the lineup is going to look like in crunch time in this series. You'll need at least two bigs on the floor to compete with Noah and Gasol. Kyrie is going to have to step up big time to defend Rose. I don't think switching LeBron onto him will work, because Mirotic (or whoever is at the 3) will use their size advantage over Kyrie. Shumpert/Smith need to shut down Jimmy Butler, as well.

This is yet another reason as to why the NBA needs to go back to best-of-five in the first round.
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