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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

Damn, Walton wannabe just ripped Loves shoulder out

That has to be a fine right? Fucker did it on purpose. Should be kicked out of the game for BS like that. Probably not a season ender, but Love won't be the same rebounder or 2 handed player that he usually is.

That hippie fucker better hope the Cavs win today because he might get shot if they come back to Cleveland.
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All around shitty game. Just hope Love can come back quickly, but that will be dangerous against the Bulls. I can see Bizarro Andy trying to injure Love even more. Hopefully JR just gets a fine for the smack and not a suspension. If they take the whole play into account I'd say Crowder deserved what he got. He was all over Smith the whole possession. Refs were shittier than the game today.
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Crowder is jacked.. but Perkins meant business.. when they went face to face there was NO back down by Perkins.. Perk was headed forwards.. Crowder was using that move "I'm gonna pretend to go after him but you guys better grab me QUICK before I die"

I actually think Hubie Brown doesn't like the Cavs.. he mentions every foul the Cavs 'get away with' but said nothing when the Celts were even worse.. including Crowder hammering JR in the back.. I love Sully but he pushes EVERY time
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