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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

As much as it seems like the Cavs are struggling more with the Celtics than most people thought they would they're winning easier than anyone else in the east. I think the Celtics will still play hard Sunday, but last night was their best shot. They know they aren't going to win the series now. We've seen some guys play good games, but we haven't seen the Cavs Flying Death Machine fully operational yet.
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New Orleans flat blew that game last night. They pretty much led the entire game until the last 2 minutes or so of regulation. So yeah, in the grand scheme of things, Cleveland is doing what they need to do.

(not sure if there is a playoff thread or not)
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The return of very good Derrick Rose is a frightening proposition. I think the Cavs will handle them (even if it takes till game 7 in Cleveland), but I liked this matchup a lot more when Mirotic and Rose were throwing up three pointers every two minutes.

Bill Simmons mentioned today that the Miami crowd last year was better than the Cleveland crowd has been this year. And I absolutely agree. I understand disappointment is inevitably coming, but get loud, gooddammit. Cleveland should the second most intimidating place to play in these playoffs (besides the Warriors always ruckus arena).
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The return of very good Derrick Rose is a frightening proposition. I think the Cavs will handle them (even if it takes till game 7 in Cleveland), but I liked this matchup a lot more when Mirotic and Rose were throwing up three pointers every two minutes.

Bill Simmons mentioned today that the Miami crowd last year was better than the Cleveland crowd has been this year. And I absolutely agree. I understand disappointment is inevitably coming, but get loud, gooddammit. Cleveland should the second most intimidating place to play in these playoffs (besides the Warriors always ruckus arena).
First off, let me say Bill Simmons can go fuck himself, he hates Cleveland, ragged on Cleveland all through the draft, then got pissed when LBJ came back. That said...

He is correct to this point, they have been making the same point here on talk radio since before the series began. However people here don't think it is waiting for the shoe to drop, but more that this series had a complete air of inevitability to it. They haven't played particularly well, but have won 3 games. Boston has a playoff coach and playoff hustle, but not playoff talent. So quite the opposite, I think it had been duller than expected because everyone was and is waiting for Chicago. I think you'll hear Cleveland crowds then.
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