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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

God damn it... I had to say something about feeling confident we can take Chicago pretty easy and yesterday happens. The hope is Love only misses 2 weeks... but really you have to think he is out the whole Chicago series (of all the teams, Chicago is guaranteed to go after Love's shoulder if he comes back in this series) so we just have to man up and beat Chicago without Love. Then JR Smith... gawd damn it... this is where his rep comes in and if he misses more than 1-2 games... that really hurts too.

About the Love injury... they are saying 2 weeks right now before the MRI. I really think if it is not too serious, Love will try to come back early and play one armed this series.

I'd like to see Lebron play a little 4 with Thompson or Mozzy in the game. He'll definitely draw a [Mark May] ton of fouls.

Really... I was thinking what to do without Love AND JR. And I came up with LeBron has to suck it up and play the PF position a lot in this series. Not starting per say, but play 15+ minutes at him at PF guarding Noah per game. Best way to counter Chicago's bigs because then they have to guard LeBron. Because Tristan/Mozgov is going to get tired and James Jones/Marion playing PF against Chicago is a matchup nightmare for us. And that means Perkins will be needed this series... and hope HE isn't suspended too.

So LeBron has to suck it up for the first 4-5 games and play PF minutes heavy. We will find out about his "sacrifice" comment soon enough...
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God damn it... I had to say something about feeling confident we can take Chicago pretty easy and yesterday happens. The hope is Love only misses 2 weeks... but really you have to think he is out the whole Chicago series (of all the teams, Chicago is guaranteed to go after Love's shoulder if he comes back in this series) so we just have to man up and beat Chicago without Love. Then JR Smith... gawd damn it... this is where his rep comes in and if he misses more than 1-2 games... that really hurts too.

About the Love injury... they are saying 2 weeks right now before the MRI. I really think if it is not too serious, Love will try to come back early and play one armed this series.

Really... I was thinking what to do without Love AND JR. And I came up with LeBron has to suck it up and play the PF position a lot in this series. Not starting per say, but play 15+ minutes at him at PF guarding Noah per game. Best way to counter Chicago's bigs because then they have to guard LeBron. Because Tristan/Mozgov is going to get tired and James Jones/Marion playing PF against Chicago is a matchup nightmare for us. And that means Perkins will be needed this series... and hope HE isn't suspended too.

So LeBron has to suck it up for the first 4-5 games and play PF minutes heavy. We will find out about his "sacrifice" comment soon enough...

I think Lebron knows this and was already spending more time in the post the last month of the season to get used to the banging. It's mainly on defense where it will take a toll on him since he'll have to defend a bigger player. I'd rather him guard Gasol because he spends more time out of the paint and is a pussy. On the other end I would expect a mix of Butler, Gibson, and Bizarro Andy. In a perfect world the Cavs force the Bulls to go small to account for Lebron at the 4. Regardless of what Lebron does the Cavs will need at least 2 of Jones, Miller and Marion to step up at least until Love comes back.

I'm not sure what they can do medically to speed Love's recovery, but I know they have tape jobs that will help hold it in socket. He'll need a few days of rest and treatment to get the swelling and pain down and then start rehabbing/strengthening the muscles to help hold it in place. The Cavs don't need him to bang in the paint, just play outside the 3 pt line, take open shots, and pull one of the Bulls bigs out with him. He won't be even the average defender that he was since he'll only have one arm, but I'd say as soon as he can run and shoot without pain he'll be back out there at least for limited minutes. On the other hand if the Cavs can go up 2-0 without him he might sit for longer.
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What's funny, is that pussy Crowder, hurts his knee trying to flop from a slap to the face. It was a slap to the face, I think you can take that standing up, Jae...unless he routinely folds like a wet paper bag from a slap. Boston strong!
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One thing I will say, the league had better do something about the refs and the type of play, because on the continuum, this was way closer to Indiana players charging the stands than it was to, say, the Heat/Mavs finals, which was also physical but featured high levels of skill.
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I think Lebron knows this and was already spending more time in the post the last month of the season to get used to the banging. It's mainly on defense where it will take a toll on him since he'll have to defend a bigger player. I'd rather him guard Gasol because he spends more time out of the paint and is a pussy. On the other end I would expect a mix of Butler, Gibson, and Bizarro Andy. In a perfect world the Cavs force the Bulls to go small to account for Lebron at the 4. Regardless of what Lebron does the Cavs will need at least 2 of Jones, Miller and Marion to step up at least until Love comes back.

I'm not sure what they can do medically to speed Love's recovery, but I know they have tape jobs that will help hold it in socket. He'll need a few days of rest and treatment to get the swelling and pain down and then start rehabbing/strengthening the muscles to help hold it in place. The Cavs don't need him to bang in the paint, just play outside the 3 pt line, take open shots, and pull one of the Bulls bigs out with him. He won't be even the average defender that he was since he'll only have one arm, but I'd say as soon as he can run and shoot without pain he'll be back out there at least for limited minutes. On the other hand if the Cavs can go up 2-0 without him he might sit for longer.

I was thinking if LeBron would guard Gasol, the problem is Gasol does post up and if he has LeBron on him, I would take LeBron to the post EVERY time to wear him out. While Gasol is more of an outside player, he is pretty effective in the post and would shoot over LeBron all night in the post.

Noah on the other hand has no post moves (he has been playing like shit) and is more likely involved in screens. So LeBron can almost free lance while guarding Noah which could be better for us.

Blatt can also be crazy and throw a zone at Chicago for a change of pace.
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Windy thinks 1 game... I doubt that though. Based on his history... probably 2-3, but then again... if it is one game, then you know the league wants to help the Cavs out.

what the nba does not want is for everyone to be going back and looking at that boston series to see why it escalated to the point that it did, which will almost certainly happen if they drop the hammer on JR Smith. When people look and see that total butcher job by the officials, all the way until the very end, it's going to look really bad for the league.
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I was thinking if LeBron would guard Gasol, the problem is Gasol does post up and if he has LeBron on him, I would take LeBron to the post EVERY time to wear him out. While Gasol is more of an outside player, he is pretty effective in the post and would shoot over LeBron all night in the post.

Noah on the other hand has no post moves (he has been playing like [Mark May]) and is more likely involved in screens. So LeBron can almost free lance while guarding Noah which could be better for us.

Blatt can also be crazy and throw a zone at Chicago for a change of pace.

We'll see tonight if the series starts Saturday or Monday. Either way Blatt will have some time to work out rotation and scheme changes. Go Bucks!!!
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by the by, it's being reported that Crowder just has a knee sprain and will be fine. no surgery or anything needed. one would think the fact that he's not really hurt, and was partially injured due to his own idiocy may help. but this is cleveland.
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Shumpert had a dislocated shoulder when he was traded from New York to Cleveland and he was out for 5 weeks. Do not know if Love's injury is the same and they probably will not know, or say, until later today. On the other side of the coin, I knew a kid in high school who shoulder would pop out and he would go to a place by himself and come back crying but to shoulder would be back in place so hopefully that is Love's situation.

Unfortunately, I think JR get suspended for a few games just because of his reputation and what he has done in the past but may be the league will hold off on any suspension because it is the playoffs. I know that might be wishful thinking but I think if JR really wanted to coldcock Crowder he could have done it straight on instead of just throwing a closed fist behind him.

Anyway if Smith or Love miss any of the Chicago games, especially Love, I do not see the Cavaliers winning those games. I have seen the bench play this season and it has not been very pretty. Marion and Miller just do not have it anymore and Jones were either be red-hot or ice cold.
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Shumpert had a dislocated shoulder when he was traded from New York to Cleveland and he was out for 5 weeks. Do not know if Love's injury is the same and they probably will not know, or say, until later today. On the other side of the coin, I knew a kid in high school who shoulder would pop out and he would go to a place by himself and come back crying but to shoulder would be back in place so hopefully that is Love's situation.


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Shumpert had a dislocated shoulder when he was traded from New York to Cleveland and he was out for 5 weeks. Do not know if Love's injury is the same and they probably will not know, or say, until later today. On the other side of the coin, I knew a kid in high school who shoulder would pop out and he would go to a place by himself and come back crying but to shoulder would be back in place so hopefully that is Love's situation.

Unfortunately, I think JR get suspended for a few games just because of his reputation and what he has done in the past but may be the league will hold off on any suspension because it is the playoffs. I know that might be wishful thinking but I think if JR really wanted to coldcock Crowder he could have done it straight on instead of just throwing a closed fist behind him.

Anyway if Smith or Love miss any of the Chicago games, especially Love, I do not see the Cavaliers winning those games. I have seen the bench play this season and it has not been very pretty. Marion and Miller just do not have it anymore and Jones were either be red-hot or ice cold.

I have some faith that guys like Miller, Jones, and Marion can turn it on in the playoffs. They've been there in the past and for at least one of them this is it. I'm hoping for 1 game for Smith, but if the NBA were to make it right they would let Smith play because Love will be out and it was their shitty refs that let it happen. Shump took 5 weeks to get to pretty much 100% from a dislocated shoulder. With Love in the playoffs you are probably good if he can get to 60-70%. Just try to keep him out of situations where it could get re-injured, but a lot of that relies on the player. My left shoulder is pretty loose so I so I avoided putting that arm in situations where it might get popped out. It will hurt his rebounding, but he can still move his feet and shoot 3's. I bet he sits til the Cavs lose 2. If they win the first 2 I don't think he plays til game 5. If they lose the first 2 I bet he plays in game 3.
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I have some faith that guys like Miller, Jones, and Marion can turn it on in the playoffs. They've been there in the past and for at least one of them this is it. I'm hoping for 1 game for Smith, but if the NBA were to make it right they would let Smith play because Love will be out and it was their [Mark May]ty refs that let it happen. Shump took 5 weeks to get to pretty much 100% from a dislocated shoulder. With Love in the playoffs you are probably good if he can get to 60-70%. Just try to keep him out of situations where it could get re-injured, but a lot of that relies on the player. My left shoulder is pretty loose so I so I avoided putting that arm in situations where it might get popped out. It will hurt his rebounding, but he can still move his feet and shoot 3's. I bet he sits til the Cavs lose 2. If they win the first 2 I don't think he plays til game 5. If they lose the first 2 I bet he plays in game 3.
Regarding Love. They showed him in the locker room after the game with his arm in a sling and he did not look too uncomfortable so maybe there is not much ligament/tendon damage and that black tape can work magic so maybe he will only miss 1 game but I agree with what you are saying. It really will be interesting to see what the league does with Smith. I am not optimistic.
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Regarding Love. They showed him in the locker room after the game with his arm in a sling and he did not look too uncomfortable so maybe there is not much ligament/tendon damage and that black tape can work magic so maybe he will only miss 1 game but I agree with what you are saying. It really will be interesting to see what the league does with Smith. I am not optimistic.

It just all depends... I dunno about 1 game (and of course it might be a week away) but, I will say that its possible that it might heal quickly due to it being pulled out rather than it having been caused by a collision (with the ground, player, etc) so hopefully that takes a level of contusion/damage out of the equation. having said that I kinda think the 2 weeks has factored that in. Personally, I'd go ahead and let the Bulls clog the floor up and put mozzy on Gasol and send perk in a few times to work on Noah, and not to bother coming back to the bench in until he has 6 fouls.
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