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Cleveland Browns (2016 thread of unrelenting dumpster conflagration)

Rosenhaus makes it stickier but if you can get him for WR2 money, you do it immediately.

Agree. But is WR2 money what Tavon Austin got? That was the buzz going around. If so, that's steep.

Also, Goff has been hideous and the Wentz train is imploding, meanwhile the low round Prescott looks awesome, in part because of the team around him.

I wouldn't say 'hideous'. Won't know Goff's ceiling so long as he has a shaky Oline and no receivers to throw to. Wentz as well. You have a ground game that consists of Ryan Matthews and Wendell Smallwood. The only
credible threat Philly has is Jordan Matthews. They're in desperate need of talent at the skill positions as well. He's shown flashes, now comes the rookie wall.

Dak is playing behind the best Oline on the planet along with the best rookie RB to come through in a decade. On top of that having Dez, Beasley and Witten. This just furthers the argument that drafting a QB high can work, but he
can't do it on his own.
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Agree. But is WR2 money what Tavon Austin got? That was the buzz going around. If so, that's steep.
Austin had


before this year's 40/356/2

Pryor has 56/724/4... on pace for 87/1119/6.

I agree Austin's contract was dumb.
I wouldn't say 'hideous'. Won't know Goff's ceiling so long as he has a shaky Oline and no receivers to throw to.
Goff's feedback throughout camp and into the season was certainly hideous. I agree we won't know until he has help but the early returns are dreadful
Wentz as well. You have a ground game that consists of Ryan Matthews and Wendell Smallwood. The only
credible threat Philly has is Jordan Matthews. They're in desperate need of talent at the skill positions as well. He's shown flashes, now comes the rookie wall.
Wentz looked surprisingly good and has now leveled off hard. I think it's clear neither would have fixed Cleveland at all (especially since they'd be alive for about 1-4 quarters)
Dak is playing behind the best Oline on the planet along with the best rookie RB to come through in a decade. On top of that having Dez, Beasley and Witten. This just furthers the argument that drafting a QB high can work, but he
can't do it on his own.
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for the Cowboy's game, the announcers (I can't remember which one) said that Zeke has only played in 10 losing games in all of high school, college and now pro. Browns have beaten that in less than a season. :lol:
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