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Cleveland Browns (2016 thread of unrelenting dumpster conflagration)

Doesn't help Kess holds onto the ball. But that's a rookie for you.

Center needs to be addressed in the worst way. I'm also not opposed to taking another swing man in the middle rounds. Drago is just... not good. Could have an awesome line with a healthy Bito and even slightly above average play from Center. Still don't see a franchise QB coming our way so you damn well better upgrade the trenches on both sides of the ball ASAP.

And now Terrelle is down.
They should have never let Swartz leave and they should have tried their damnedest to keep Mack. I know it was not this FO that dealt with those two guys but Haslam, worthless SOB, was still around.

Nice to see that the Stadium was about 50% full yesterday and that was before halftime.

I am not sure if Kessler is tough enough to absorb all the hits that he takes and McCown is becoming a clown when under pressure.

I have no idea when this franchise is going to be back but it is going to take a few more years and I am not sure if Jackson is the answer. Seems to me he likes to throw the ball too much for the pro game.
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They should have never let Swartz leave and they should have tried their damnedest to keep Mack. I know it was not this FO that dealt with those two guys but Haslam, worthless SOB, was still around.

Nice to see that the Stadium was about 50% full yesterday and that was before halftime.

I am not sure if Kessler is tough enough to absorb all the hits that he takes and McCown is becoming a clown when under pressure.

I have no idea when this franchise is going to be back but it is going to take a few more years and I am not sure if Jackson is the answer. Seems to me he likes to throw the ball too much for the pro game.
Keep in mind the FO has openly admitted that they were caught flat footed at the start of free agency
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It will be interesting to see what they do with all their cap money, in excess of $50 mil, this off-season. That is if anyone wants to play for these guys.
remember there is a cap floor too.. so they have to spend the money... lets see this shit show hit full gear with BIG $$$ headed to overpriced veterans like in the past
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Keep in mind the FO has openly admitted that they were caught flat footed at the start of free agency

They were, but that was also more related to not getting in with marvin jones ASAP and a few other guys while Hue Jackson was half dead.

Surprisingly, when you look at the PFF and football outsiders grades for schwartz and pasztor, along with sacks allowed and penalties, they are very close, with schwartz playing one less game, and having a qb that is actually mobile and doesn't hold the ball for 3 hours.

the loss of schwartz isn't what's hurting this team, it was alex mack taking less money with atlanta to get out of town as quickly as he could, and the one guy that would have relegated erving to the bench blowing out his knee after 3.5 quarters.
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I guess I don't feel bad overpaying for Pryor even though he is a work in progress. perhaps that's my scarlet colored glasses shading that view.

Has Collins done anything yet?
Collins is around the ball on almost every play. He is probably the best Browns defensive player right now and he has played every single snap since coming from New England. He is a baller and I wish we had more guys like him.
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I guess I don't feel bad overpaying for Pryor even though he is a work in progress. perhaps that's my scarlet colored glasses shading that view.
Rosenhaus is his agent so we might have to overpay to keep him but after watching our first-round draft pick Coleman dropped the first two passes that were thrown to him yesterday Pryor will probably be worth the overpay. However, sometimes he looks like he has that old attitude that he displayed sometimes while at college and that is a concern of mine..
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I guess I don't feel bad overpaying for Pryor even though he is a work in progress. perhaps that's my scarlet colored glasses shading that view.

Has Collins done anything yet?
He's a top-14 WR without a QB (or even the same one from quarter to quarter). If they lock him up now, they won't be overpaying, and like I said before, he's one of the few guys built to handle the physical abuse that comes with being a brown.
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It will be interesting to see what they do with all their cap money, in excess of $50 mil, this off-season. That is if anyone wants to play for these guys.

Sheldon Richardson. Also giving Collins a solid deal might be in the cards.

He's a top-14 WR without a QB (or even the same one from quarter to quarter). If they lock him up now, they won't be overpaying, and like I said before, he's one of the few guys built to handle the physical abuse that comes with being a brown.

I love Terrelle but he has a long way to go in his development. I know even greater strides can be made in the off-season so he can run a complete route tree with the best. He IS that talented. But yes, lock him up now.

As for the draft. I was on the 'there is no franchise QB available' wagon. Watching Trubisky though and I'm starting to really like what is there. If the draft was today I'm looking at both he and Elflein. If you want to fix this offensive line you need to start at the center.
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I love Terrelle but he has a long way to go in his development. I know even greater strides can be made in the off-season so he can run a complete route tree with the best. He IS that talented. But yes, lock him up now.
Rosenhaus makes it stickier but if you can get him for WR2 money, you do it immediately.
As for the draft. I was on the 'there is no franchise QB available' wagon. Watching Trubisky though and I'm starting to really like what is there. If the draft was today I'm looking at both he and Elflein. If you want to fix this offensive line you need to start at the center.
Also, Goff has been hideous and the Wentz train is imploding, meanwhile the low round Prescott looks awesome, in part because of the team around him.
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